Here is my drama.
I was getting a 3 Meg. connection..theoreticly, really I was getting 2.4. So I started complaining and they said "u have a business account!!!!(I do .My boss provides housing for me so the account is under Dairy Queen) u should only get 0.5 Megs for 45 bux so they downgraded it" .This wouldnt bve a big problem cause it doesnt hurt my ping (at night when my connection is 0.5 my ping is 25-35) only my downloads are slower.
But during the day is half the spped its supposed to be(not just me, the whole town....killer, listerine, jakal we all have the same problem).
I called them yesterday and they said its not their fault they are just the middle man. The problem comes from some backbone servers , which they say belong to Sprint. And all I can do is wait....since December..this is unfukinbeliavable. Someone would think you shouldnt have problems like this in the USA............only this is not the USA , this is THE OBX!!!!!!
im pissed now