contact lenses


New Member
Are there people here who wear contact lenses? I got my glasses one year ago and i just used them. A few months ago i thought about trying contact lenses. I now wear Johnson & Johnson oasys and they are quite good.


New Member
murpo said:
My eyes got f*d up 5 years ago because of my computer, I'm short sighted now.

Same here, was about 2 years ago when I was watching TV from across the room and I realized, "Why is it blurry?" I'm short sighted and have to wear glasses most of the time when I'm not in front of a monitor. I miss my 20/10 :-/


New Member
I have 2 week lenses right now. I had day lenses before but they sucked. I also thought about getting night lenses but my eye doctor said my eyes were to sensitive


New Member
CrackABone said:
I got them today,
Night Contact lenses. Only need to wear them at night

Night contacts?? Why do u need lenses while youre asleep?

I personally wear glasses, because i dont trust contact many people with contact lenses constantly have problemss..

How is it with you guys?


New Member
SwissAry said:
CrackABone said:
I got them today,
Night Contact lenses. Only need to wear them at night

Night contacts?? Why do u need lenses while youre asleep?

I personally wear glasses, because i dont trust contact many people with contact lenses constantly have problemss..

How is it with you guys?

It will form you eyes to the right position.


New Member
SwissAry said:
Hm how has it been working for you? Whats your normal dioptrie an how much do they help? Sounds interesting..

It works great. First day you only see 50 % better after that it gets better. I can see fine now.