Counter-Strike 2?



New Member
I've never been to fond of Counter Strike... although it is remarkable that there are a lot of rumors of new games lately. (even my favorite game, Baldurs Gate)


New Member
I didn't think I would like Counter-Strike before I tried it, but it definitely surprised me. Probably what I found most surprising was that it's such a hardcore, skill-intensive, simulation-like (not so much in how it handles weapons but in how it handles the whole terrorism/counter-terrorism gameplay) game and yet was so ridiculously popular- I was expecting something more along the lines of a better Halo on the PC (of course, that prepositional phrase denotes why it would be better, xD) but got anything but- other than the obscenely annoying voice chat from 10-year-olds... But, yeah, it definitely surprised me- it's a pretty good game, imo, but that's just my taste.


New Member
Oh, it's not like I haven't tried it. But it simply isn't the type of games I'd quickly go for. Not that it really matters now anyway... I'm not home long enough to really spend much time on a game - and if I am, I'm not playing a game. :p And even if I do have time, I prefer to do more things at the same time, which CS isn't the type of game for. Football Manager, for example, takes a lot of loading time, which is perfect for me, which means I can do a lot of other things in the mean time.


New Member
Combat Arms

Slightly OT and unrelated to Valve, but if you're looking at this topic you probably have some interest in CounterStrike and while Combat Arms certainly differs a great bit (you respawn, lol), it's some rather nice, free fun and definitely seems to appeal to the CounterStrike crowd (hell, it appeals to me and I generally don't go for TDM much).