Craven_Gaming: 3 Steam Accounts With Good Games!


New Member
Sup guys, I am here to sell you 3 of my steam accounts with really good games on them.​
if you need any screenshare proof add me on skype or if you need any extra info also add me on skype: xxxmilkbookxxx​
Here are the accounts​
ChilliPanda: MW3, Brink and a LEVEL 13 BlackLight Retribution account.​
Another Steam Account with MW3 on it​
And one more with the first Battlefield, Counterstrike: Condition Zero, and Counterstrike Source.​
1. £15​
2. £10​
3. £10-15​
If you are willing to buy please add me on Skype for proof and extra information!​
As i am not really active here.​