Hy guys!
I want to sell my account.
- 5200hours CS:S
- 1300hours CS:GO
- 5 years old
- 63 games
- 210 MM wins
- 21 privat rank
- Operation Bloodhunt, 5years old coin, vanguard operation
- I'm giving the original e-mail, esl account, faceit account
- No trade ban, vac ban, overwatch ban
- 5 page +rep on steam
I'm selling the account for skins. Add me for discuss:
Have a nice day!
I want to sell my account.
- 5200hours CS:S
- 1300hours CS:GO
- 5 years old
- 63 games
- 210 MM wins
- 21 privat rank
- Operation Bloodhunt, 5years old coin, vanguard operation
- I'm giving the original e-mail, esl account, faceit account
- No trade ban, vac ban, overwatch ban
- 5 page +rep on steam
I'm selling the account for skins. Add me for discuss:
Have a nice day!