Any chance that with 14+ admins loging in on any given day/night we could leave a couple bots on the server durring the 5am=2pm when most of yall kids are taking beauty naps? can you set a timer or script on the server to load 6 or 10 bots when the server gets to 0 players at 3 or 4 am?


New Member
You got that right!!! I am on usually at 12pm every day. Why? b/c i don'tt have a job and i get out of school at 11:30.What a life i have huh?


New Member
during this break i was basicaly playing cz all day but was extremley disappointed to find out no one is on during the day some buts owould be nice but i guess they do fucki with the stats


New Member
goodness gracious!

what is exactly that you did in school ? 'cause "wordz, sentecez and shit" are rare in your posts, billy.