wow theres a lot of talk of homos...I feel sorry for anyone here who really is homosexual...i'm sure they dont feel that or they think the whole punx crew is homosexual.
Actually, I think Bio has more of a gay connotation than any other clan on here, which is funny cause Cel is our only gay member (AB is just strange, and I think it is okay for Canadians to touch each other, so that excuses Tony and Perv) :lol:
Haven't u figured it out yet Ema? We Bio's are a sick's all in good fun! The question has come up almost daily on the server, so it's time to see if Dilla will answer up and quash the rumors spreading throughout the server. That and he can flame all of us for saying as such!
P.S. Just to reinforce what Mean said, we are not discriminative of homosexuals be it male or female (we prefer viewing the later of course, especially the Perv!), and as such all of us here are to see that they are treated equally and fairly in this place.
Actually, I think Bio has more of a gay connotation than any other clan on here, which is funny cause Cel is our only gay member (AB is just strange, and I think it is okay for Canadians to touch each other, so that excuses Tony and Perv) :lol:
We Bio's are a sick's all in good fun! The question has come up almost daily on the server, so it's time to see if Dilla will answer up and quash the rumors spreading throughout the server. That and he can flame all of us for saying as such!
Actually, I think Bio has more of a gay connotation than any other clan on here, which is funny cause Cel is our only gay member (AB is just strange, and I think it is okay for Canadians to touch each other, so that excuses Tony and Perv) :lol:
I'm with Dirty on this one. Entirely way too much emphasis on getting Dilla's attention. By the way, getting bad attention from a full admin is not real smart so keep pushing his buttons so I can watch him clout you.
Redlight would you please get rid of the porn in your signature? There are a lot of us that read the forums from work. It's one thing to get caught reading non-business text, but a totally other thing to have a big pair of teetais jump up on a 21 inch monitor. While we are on the subject, you guys used to give warnings that items were not work safe. It seems a lot of them lately have no warning. Maybe we could clean it up a bit?
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