Disrespecting admin isnt tolerated


New Member
this post is about L3 | camper

i banned him bc of this in first rnd he was spawn campn something he does consistently so i slayd him and when second rnd startd he askd me how old was i?
i askd wtf is that question for... knowing it was bc i slayd him...he said i slayd him bc he killd me...not quite

anyways i slayd him the next rnd and said thats bc im an asshole...so the next rnd startd i said u got any more smartass comments about how old i am?

he said u cant b more then 12...banned


New Member
yeah i was there dilla,
the least a player can do is keep is mouth shut and not talk shit to the admins in the server he is enjoying cs on. and if he wasent enjoying playing there he shoulda left before he ever talked shit and got ban.


New Member
I think tempers flare and sometimes even the power you have as an admin isn't enough to shut them up. Who are these L3 people anyway? I think even Misranger is one of them now.


New Member
Permaban for TK at end of round? You didn't really say that did you? If you are permabanning for that then I think it needs to stop. Yea, they're assholes for doing it. Give them a 120 or something but don't permaban.


New Member

As for the camping u guys need to quit crying, its a part of the map and ill use any space i can get to as strategically nescessary even if it is waiting for your unsuspecting-dumb-ass to stumble around the corner.

Its not camping, its using every viable space to your advantage and if you dont see it as that than you are nub.

As for L3|camper running his mouth, that was wrong, I like ya buddy but geez, this aint yer server.

As for the ban, harsh, a kick would have been sufficient, but a 5 minute ban is ok too i guess.

I find it funny that a guy camps and his name is camper.....which makes my argument in whole absolutely worthless, but if i "camp" and you call me out on it ill be sure to say go to hell nub.



New Member
Crisis said:
Since people pointed out to me that when they are barley positive and some asshole TKs them it fucks up their stats and ratio which isnt fair to them.

hahhaaha fuggin stat whores, i nade myself at the start, fire in the hole! boom!


New Member
I think the kind of camping Dilla is talking about is different. If the whole team is camping spawn because they are being overrun by unbalanced teams then that is one thing, but a guy that habitually camps spawn is a friggin idiot and deserves what he got. Harsh on the ban Digi? I don't think so. He gave him enough warning. Now the dipshit knows one thing: "Don't fuck with Dilla". That's a good thing to know actually.


New Member
Crisis said:
On the camping comments, we're all on slightly different pages.

I don't care if someone camps out a space to nail people...but when that camping affects the team because that person isn’t helping/following obj or when they do as puppet said camp spawn habitually then it's another story.

Which is why I said that I keep my feeling about that in check, because you can’t always know if someone just came back through their spawn or as Puppet said if a team is camping cause they are getting raped/rushed.

Office is a perfect example of this. I get a good bit of kills by waiting in CT spawn for T rushers. Then I hear bitching about how I don’t leave spawn…well what should I say? “I’m sorry I didn’t leave our backs open to you so you could come in and kill us†The difference is, that I don’t only watch that area and I also haul ass to get hosties when needed. Camping a pull-point or common rush ground for the first 30-60 seconds of a round is perfectly okay by me.

Yeah, I am totally with Crisis on that. But when someone just sits in spawn by themselves round after round after round, that is fuckin retarded. And no admin should ever have to aplogize for a douche talkin shit to him/her.


New Member
I'm an asshole. I woulda said something if he was habitually spawn camping, if he gave me shit I probably woulda banned him. He's a (or was) reg here and he ought know better.