Do you think M590 Milatary is for noobs?



The shotgun is useful when used in moderation such as for back up and so on. If a person uses it as their primary weapon, then they are a noob.

Delta Z

New Member
omg i was playing today in OMA and i kept getting killed by this noob with the M590. it made me so mad that i killed him. MUAHAHAHA.


geez just cuz u pwn with the gun means ur a noob. i get called a shotty noob all the time! do i care no. i once got called a SCAR noob what the heck?


New Member
I use the shotty sometimes when my SMG or AR runs outta bullets and I am in combat.

Or it's kinda fun to mess around with. Lol


New Member
nice signature pattack. anyway, military is really good. you just have to use it right. all you have to do is get back. not much range so the wep is balanced.


New Member
I agree.If you think the military shotgun is for noob, you must be a crying noob yourself...Now , remember that the shotgun can only be used on small maps, like junkflea.


New Member
I agree.If you think the military shotgun is for noob, you must be a crying noob yourself...Now , remember that the shotgun can only be used on small maps, like junkflea.

I use it on Two Towers and Sand Hog.
It's a great weapon if you know how to use it.

Jordan B

Active Member
some of the top players in C.A use the M590 military. So no. I personally find myself using it alot , especially in Junk Flea.


New Member
The M590 is a shotgun which means spray damage and no accuracy really needed (just point in the general direction). Any shot chest and up does (being generous to the one getting shot) 25% damage. The shotgun is firing multiple pellets. If you fire at the chest of a guy... lets say 5 pellets are from every shot.. so 5*25%= 125%. So obviously, it's going to be a one shot kill. The range on the weapon is a bit random. Close to mid range its dead on, but I have gotten random kills from mid to long range. The max range seems to be somewhere around 40 meteres (tested with the distance scope).

Anyways, getting to the point of the OP, there is no such thing as a noob weapon. I've seen people who are absolutely terrible with it. I often use the shotgun as my primary weapon when i'm saving my money. It gets the job done. Doesn't mean its a noob weapon. Not every person who starts playing CA can be "devastating" with it.

Same things goes with the LAW. People often call it a noob weapon and yet it doesn't cause any real havoc on the battlefield. Yes it has spray damage, but its only 3 rockets and it's slow as hell. You can even shoot the rocket in midair.

If guns which are easy for people to pick up and cause lots of damage are considered "noob" weapons, then why isn't the frag considered a noob ball or something. People just complain about things that kill them and since they can't counter it effectively or let it frustrate them, then they consider it to be a "noob weapon" to make themselves feel better.


New Member
yes it is because igot shot from the other side of the arna and died with 2 shots

That doesn't prove anything. Means that map is small and as I stated before, the range of it is random. And since you were probably playing junkflea, the shotgun is accurate from the spawn to the middle of the map. After that, it's pure luck.

As stated before, to classify a weapon as a "noob weapon" just shows that you can't handle playing against the weapon. Otherwise there wouldn't be so much crying about it. Frustration is a key factor, but calling something a "noob weapon" should have more reasoning behind it besides "Oh i got shot from across a map and died in two shots." Too much exaggeration.