Does this look weird to you?


New Member

One nade kill out of every 10,448 is a headshot. It doesn't have to be this way. If you do your part and buy one nade each round, you could see this number go up. Remember, $300 is a small price to pay. Do it for the kids.


New Member
lol, I had a nade head shot about a week ago, IT was at Long A on Dust2. I was the last guy on my team left. Terrorist team, and I ran out of bullets and a cT was firin at me, (he was the last ct too) And I threw my grenade up in the air, and he kills me BUT the nade blew right in his face!!! It was funny shit.


New Member
I recall playing on some servers where nades did damage to the specific body parts, but on PuNx they don't. That stat chart is from the PuNx psychostats. 10,448 is the total number of nade kills people have gotten on this server, and only one of them is a HS. A little more than luck, and probably just a glitch in this case.