nah...when I am done with something...that's it. I feel like a loser playing this game. Partly because it sucks knowing that if I am the last man, and my team is all dead...and I have to win? My team is all saying, "damn we lose" lmao. That sucks #1. #2, I spend probably 4-5 hours a day ATLEAST playing this game. Goddamn man...I got money...I got a sportscar...I got a dream job...and I sit for 5 hours of my life every day pushing buttons and blowing away digital enemies?
It's a waste of my time and I need to cleanse myself of it. That's all.
Arguing with 12 year olds about whether or not they are hackz0ring isn't my idea of fun anymore lol.
Hearing closeminded idiots call everything they see "gay" or "homo" or "faggot" isn't my idea of fun anymore.
Fuck love lost. It's a game.