Dropped slots


New Member
Well i just noticed that punx is now a 23 slot server. Is this some type of terrible accident that i was never meant to see or is this permanent. Like as permanent as KillerDesires ban.


New Member
I think it's better to have it this way. Because although people will say in the forums that "Oh 100 ping isn't that bad". When they are actually playing on the server when it happens, there is non stop bitching to the admins about it.

I've been kicking HPBs when we get over 28 people and start getting the server spikes. Inferno especially for some reason; once we get over 26, spikes kick in, as soon as I kick the highest pingers and get the player count back to 26, everything is fine.


New Member
Yes but the high ping threshold can be an issue for an admin. If you tell someone who is jumping between 150 and 300 that his ping is too high and you need him to go, the first thing you hear is people bitching that we don't complain about Aurora, who doesn't seem to cause lag issues for us.


New Member
Yeah, I always feel like abit of a dick for kicking someone with lower ping than Aurora, but I also tell them that he has special privs on the server.

If the server is not spiking, then I don't kick high pingers.


New Member
Voltron said:
If the server is not spiking, then I don't kick high pingers.

One of the maps with High ping was de_inferno_cz. The utilization on the server would hit +90%. The night of the slot change we went to inferno on purpose with 20+ peeps and the utilization was high but not high enough to cauze lag on the end players. I dont know (IDK) what is wrong with inferno on the server side to cauze that much utilization problems. Unless it is the physicial open space on the map or a compile error.

Over the past few nights after the slot change, when going to inferno the utilization has been very nice. Higher than aztec or dust, but acceptible.

Currently, or until Omni decides to change/recompile, the slots will stay the way they are.

You have to admit it is still better than some servers that are capped at 20 with 4 reserve slots (16 people and 4 "special" people.)

Depending on how bad you want to get on, I would recommend that you go to the \"Reserve Slot\" link (UP TOP) and signup. It is payable via paypal only.