Drug War Clock



New Member
That's insane.

"The war on drugs may be well intentioned
But it falls fucking flat when you stop and mention
The overcrowded prisons where a rapist gets paroled
To make room for a dude who has sold
A pound of weed to me that's a crime
Here's to good people doin time y'all"
they should be spending 1/10th on the violent drug related crime, 8/10ths on education, and the remaining 1/10th on services for adicts. but americans have been brain washed for too long about "illegal drugs" so unless you can buy it and give the profit to a politcly corect "drug company" that donates to the scumbag polititions voted into office by 13% of americans your breaking some invisable law about what is legal for you to put in your own body in a "free" country. Fuck if I can't smoke a doob I say fat people can't eat fast food, that shure bothers me when I see them in public waddling thier 450 lb carcase around in public. I think seeing a fat person eat 4 big mac's is more dangerous to america;s youth than somone snorting a line in a bar, or smoking a spliff after work.


New Member
I don't think Americans are convinced of the war on drugs. It's not the average American that supports this bullshit war. It's the Drug companies. Phizer and the rest of them are the serious problem as they own politicians left and right.


New Member
there is a good article on the FBI loosening its grip on how hard they come down on applicants for having a drug past (ie, smoked some pot in hs, did some coke in college, etc.).

It has both sides in its argument. one side being that it is a new, different time from when it was founded (the FBI) and that these days almost nobody is completely "drug free" for ever and always. Arguing that their applicant pool is greatly diminished by the enforcement of these "one and done" rules.

The other side, of course, being the hard-line, "IF THEY DID IT ONCE THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN" attitude. Also noting that the FBI has a reputation to uphold, etc, etc...

im not a good summary writer (summaricist?), but the article is good, whichever side you believe in.

cnn.com would be a start if youre interested.

and yes, omni, i feel, to an extent, that those companies do contribute to the problem. moreso on the level of "perscription" drugs than on street drugs. but, hey, it IS a business, however sad that may sound...


New Member
I was talking about the pharmaceutical companies not the street drug pimps. Funny how Heroin is one of the biggest prescription drugs but on the street is super illegal. Bullshit! If they made Street Drugs legal the pharmacies would lose BILLIONS instantly.