there is a good article on the FBI loosening its grip on how hard they come down on applicants for having a drug past (ie, smoked some pot in hs, did some coke in college, etc.).
It has both sides in its argument. one side being that it is a new, different time from when it was founded (the FBI) and that these days almost nobody is completely "drug free" for ever and always. Arguing that their applicant pool is greatly diminished by the enforcement of these "one and done" rules.
The other side, of course, being the hard-line, "IF THEY DID IT ONCE THEY WILL DO IT AGAIN" attitude. Also noting that the FBI has a reputation to uphold, etc, etc...
im not a good summary writer (summaricist?), but the article is good, whichever side you believe in. would be a start if youre interested.
and yes, omni, i feel, to an extent, that those companies do contribute to the problem. moreso on the level of "perscription" drugs than on street drugs. but, hey, it IS a business, however sad that may sound...