The leaders and military of Israel and The United States of America are terrorist murdering hundreds of Lebanese civilians. They blame the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers for their attacks on innocent women and children, I cant believe people still don't understand. I guess i am just a part of the anti-semitism(antisemitism) movement to be against the leaders of the United Stats. Or maybe, the true patriot is the one that realizes our leaders are our enemies.
America has not evacuated its 25,000 civilians from Lebanon, or will not until they sign waivers agreeing to pay once they return to the states. Every other country with its people located there has rescued them using their military the way they should, why haven't we? What the fuck is going on, I bet half you dumb assholes that read this think we are doing the right thing also.
No wonder I want to just play video games so much
America has not evacuated its 25,000 civilians from Lebanon, or will not until they sign waivers agreeing to pay once they return to the states. Every other country with its people located there has rescued them using their military the way they should, why haven't we? What the fuck is going on, I bet half you dumb assholes that read this think we are doing the right thing also.
No wonder I want to just play video games so much