Erasing things


New Member
I need help erasing things like weapons or ears on my skins. I tried the eraser tool, but all that does is make it white when I import it into world editor. I use Jasc Paint Shop Pro 7. :/


New Member
well the problem is that the models mdl data hasnt set transparenty for alpha so it would be white.
Skinning cant always work, so i suggest modeling instead or either mdl tweaking.


New Member
I think alpha works. Some parts can't be erased and they show team-color instead, that requires mdl editing. Most likely you are just using eraser = painting white. What you have to do is edit Alpha Channel (in PSP somewhere under masks) then paint it (white probably - you can use eraser) and save alpha channel. Make sure you are saving your skin as TGA.


New Member
Don't worry Tenebrae, i'm sure theres an Alpha topic here somewhere. And if the alpha doesn't work just ask for a request, people here will take care of it ;)


New Member
I think if there is none, you should make a tutorial on how to do one Morrow :D
Instead of using up time to do stuff anyone with an editing program can do, make the tutorial so they can do it :D