Evan almighty filming in town



New Member
well i jsut got back...OMG i saw Morgna Freeman In the back seat of a hummer and i saw steve cartell in the front...OMG pics to come...oh...and morgan freeman LOOKED AT ME!!!


New Member
I'm waiting for my mom to get home so i can put them on her laptop...i know he was looking at me..i was less than 50 yards away and there was no one else around..my mom got some pics too...she had the better camera =(

My friend got a video of Morgan getting out of his mercedes and he said 'hey,whats up' to like 5 kids...yeahhh i want the vid


New Member
okay so i'm kinda pissed off right now b/c i just went to put the photos on the computer and there isn't a card on it...AND i dont have a cable..so it saved the photos to the camera itself...gah..i have to wait till tomorrow =(


New Member
Amazing what seeing someone famous does to people. You want the video because he said, "What's up" to a group of poeple....call me an asshole but what's the big deal? It'd be different if you actually met him and held a conversation, but just because you saw him you're flippin shit. I'm not tryin to be a dick, but it just amazes me that people would do anything to even see someone famous.


New Member
i saw Willie Parker, Jake Reed (sp, Pitt Kicker), and Kreider (sp, fullback) at Dixies right by my apt. on friday night. i think Parker and Reed are UNC grads and the bar is known as a steeler hang out, OMFG dont go there on sundays during NFL season... anyway, willie was cool and the other guys didnt say much. i should have taken kicking more serious, i need that diamond that was in reed's ear.

(sry for butchering the spelling, i dont pay attention to the steelers)

does that count for famous? longest TD from scrimmage in a Super Bowl? as soon as the steeler fight songs started from the DJ booth we paid our tab.



New Member
yeah well clearly people have diff opinions...my opinion..it's cool i even get to see him...but i know there is no way i'd be able to have a conversation with him only b/c umm...he's famous and he has people wanting to talk to him all the time. I'm sure he gets tired of it. I'd act that same way if someone else was in my presence whether it be Angelina Jolie, Jerry Bruckheimer or the fucking president of the United States(okay maybe not the pres). It's a very small town here, not too many exciting things happen here ,yet they decided to film a movie here...Sorry but that's awesome to me and to everyone else in the town. Maybe if you lived in a small town you'd realize it too?


New Member
I don't live in a small town, nor do I live in a town with famous people. I go to school in a small ass town but either way I'm not gonna shit my pants that some famous rich actor is filming a movie. Yeah it's cool that they're filming in your town, I'd like to get pictures of a scene and say "Hey, I watched a movie in the making." But I won't shit my pants when I see someone in a car and they happen to look at me. My point is that people make a huge deal about even catching a glimpse at someone famous.

Blze, awesome you met some Steelers, I have never met any of them. I just wanna meet Polomalu because he's supposed to be a heluva guy, Ben is supposed to be a dick though.
true ema. as long as you had fun, fuck em all!! don't let anyone piss on your parade!!! I'm the same way as dev, though. i don't get giddy over celebs like alot of other people do. not that its sad or anything, i know alot of people that go crazy over celebs and thats cool for them. but my personality is not so.