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A project I have been working on by myself for quite some time now called Farmers of Teren Valley. Each of the (up to) eight players begins as a Farmer in a freaky valley, with a large and lustrous river runs through. Once one of the three modes are chosen, your journey begins, finding an ideal location for your farm. Once one is found, you build a lumber mill, where farm boys can be trained. They can aid the Farmer in chopping down trees for lumber. Later, you can build a market. Here, you can buy various crops and Farm Animals. Crops are dropped on the ground (they grow best on Crop Terrain) and will multiply every so often, depending on the season. You pick them up and sell them for gold. Same thing goes for Farm Animals, though they tend to wander and you harvest them by killing them. In this way, you stock up resources to build military related buildings. To name a few, the Barracks and Blacksmith are good to start off with. At a barracks, you don't make units, you actually bring the Farm Boys there and they are trained into Soldiers. Once soldiers, you can equip them with many different items such as Ironwood Bows from an Archery Range or a Wizard's Staff from a Magic Academy. This completely changes them, giving them new fighting abilities and spells. Horses can be trained at a Stable, which can be mounted by Soldiers also. Walls are built by Farm Boys and Towers by your Farmer, as well as Portals, which 2 can be linked up to allow units to pass through. In my favorite mode of play, Werewolf mode, (I am currently changing it to Evil mode, when I am done adding more evil heroes) A player is randomly selected the first night to becomes the Werewolf. They try to kill all of the other farmers, but the wolf is owned by a computer, so if another farmer mouses over, they do not know who the controller of it really is. If the Werewolf in werewolf or human form (in day time) is killed, all of the farmers that were good win. If the Werewolf kills all of the farmers, turning them all into lycanthropes, the Werewolf wins. There are Fountains of Blood that the Werewolf can heal at. Download the map at the Home Site-
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