Fate and/or Destiny


New Member
Fate & Destiny, because I am not sure what the difference is, both are mentioned. Fair that it is a sensitive subject, as is religion, but lately I have becoming more and more curious in it, and still increasing and for good reason too.

Do you believe in fate (and/or destiny)?

When you would have asked me this two years ago, my answer would be 'no,' after perhaps a second of hesitation. Would you ask me now, I would be hesitating to answer and honestly, I wouldn't be sure if I was supporting that answer too.
It feels like I've been tested by someone, or something at some times I hold dear to myself and several major things has happened to me (or around me) which couldn't be coincidence at that specific time. When I only think of it for a moment, I could easily come up with four major points, which some of them really changed my life (for good).

About six months ago, I was hesitating of switching schools because I wanted a 'fresh start.' I wanted to start a new school year without any familiar faces around me and no familiar enviroment either. When I consulted a teacher about it, he supported my choice with a bit of mixed feelings - the teacher and I were quite fond on each other, we always took our time to chat for a while when we had the chance, quite a pleasant guy, it's unfortunate he doesn't give class to me anymore - but thought it might be a good choice for me. A second reason why I wanted to go there was because there was a very slight possibility that I could follow a new study course there - which eventually wasn't true. Eventually, I didn't decide to go and got in the same class at my old school with a few old friends, which I am quite happy with.
However, a very short time ago, one of them mentioned that she wanted to leave to a different city and another school, which another classmate mentioned he wanted to do so too. A day after that, I heard from another classmate that she wanted to leave too and another classmate already left. Not even a day later I overheard two other friends who were hesitating of staying in this school. A few days (2 days, to be exact) after all that, I heard that a friend was planning of leaving to a different school next year. Finally, another friend mentioned that he was planning of quitting school (again) this year. This leaves me with exactly two 'friends.' This all occured in a single week of time. I am convinced that I have not been so blind to not notice them all considering to leave, nor am I really convinced it was coincidence that they all suddenly are discussing this. DO know that most of those I mentioned have (practically) no contact with each other. I am pretty confident in it when I say that most of them don't know of each other that they want to, or rather, are considering to leave.
This is, of course, the most lighthearted reason I can think of, but there are numerous of others, but I consider those more private.

What do you believe yourself?


New Member
I don't. I believe in coincidences, happenstance, or forced happenings. It's quite a lot like superstition actually. If people believe in fate/destiny, it will be real to them because they make it real.
We all have free will, nothing is chosen for us before hand.


New Member
this is an impossible thing to determin, on one hand some one may say that they could forcibly stop themselves from doing something like i could say i wont go out for dinner tonight even though i am supposed to but then another could say fate has told you to deny fate and to stay home instead... i believe fate is the path we choose not a path set for us


New Member
i agree with squishy that it is impossible to tell but, on a more substantial basis. Quantum theory (admitedly opens more questions than it answers.) states that some events have no cause. for example, in the macro world, if you fall over thats the cause, the effect is you skinning your knee. every effect must have a cause. not in the micro world. the random phenomena of radioactive decay is a good example. scientists can predict exactly when one of two radioactive atoms will decay. however, they cannot predict which one will decay. they know one will, they when it will, but each one has an equal chance that they will decay. never does both decay at the same time, nor do neither of them decay. because of this uncertainty, some people have come to believe in multiple universes, where each time a purely random event occurs, a universe is created where the other option (what ever it may be) happened instead. anyway, getting sidetracked. what if we could know the exact position and velocity of every particle in the galaxy, or universe. we would be able to predict the future. perhaps the uncertainty of quantum particles was created to prevent such an event from happening. but is radioactive decay really pure random? or does it simply seem that way cos we do not fully understand what causes it? is everything predetermined, by some unknown mechanism? or is there a chance that my keyboard will turn into a bowl of petunas and think "oh no, not again."


New Member
Physics doesn't cover the subconcious.
Great, you know where every single atom is doing. But a mind, a thought, has no substance. Unpredictable, unless you personally knew the person's habits and thus could tell what they would do in a situation.


New Member
nothing could have that knowledge it would immediatly explode... thats why if i had 3 wishes 1 would not be all knowledge but the knowledge of everthing i want to know


New Member
"The worst thing about knowing everything is knowing that no one believes you."

Everything that has been mentioned so far in this thread (okay, those wishes was a bit unexpected :p) has been something I've considerd myself too. Then again, it's been something I've been thinking of for several years now. The only reason that I posted it was because out of pure interest to other reactions for those who are curious. But listening (or reading) to your reasons as well, which I stumbled on as well, made me believe that fate (or destiny, if someone can explain the difference, then please do) is something I would not believe in as well. This would probably be related to the fact that I don't believe in a 'higher power,' but do accept that there is supposed to be something.

However, as I mentioned in the first post, I stumbled across many things in my life which I find a bit too remarkable to call it coincidence. It feels a bit like I'm being toyed with, which made me doubt everything that has been mentioned and things I have thought of. I've had a somewhat of a conversation with someone else about a similar subject once too - which is quite some time ago - and he brought several experiences of himself up, which was a chain effect of things which would look hard as a coincidence.


New Member
Everybody asks the question: "Why did this happen to me?" Well, most likely you're not alone. There's over 6 billion people out there, I'm sure someone had a similar experience to some degree. That fact is enough evidence to prove that destiny/fate isn't real.
Though, I don't really know the difference. A technical definition might do it, but I'm not sure. www.dictionary.com would do that for you.


New Member
True, regarding the first part, though that already crossed my mind as well, as I never really called myself unique. :p ("If everyone is unique, everyone is the same") However, I, myself am only the best example I could possibly give because I knew my events, experiences and body better than anyone else. I could have used other examples as well.


New Member
Okay here we go,
First things first, if we were meant to know everything, we would have been made that way, and would already know everything. Squishy is right, we cannot know everything because our brains would explode, there is too much.
Secondly, Fate? Well, maybe. Destiny? Well maybe. Things happen. Some are coincidence, others are not. A series of events WILL lead to a specific outcome, whether you believe it was from a higher power or not. I myself am a Christian. I do believe in a higher power that guides me and helps me in what I do, but the decisions are mine to make, whether they are bad or not. Obviously I endeavor to take the good options, but a lot of the time they are not the clearest action to take. Fate is not soemthing I believe in. Destiny is harder to say no too, as in christianity, believe and you are destined to serve God in Heaven. But like Fladian said, religion is a difficult topic :)
By the way, any questions about Christianity I will happily answer to the best of my ability, so ask away if you are curious, I won't preach to you :)


New Member
we cannot know everything because our brains would explode, there is too much.
That would be hard to say, Jup. As you know, humans use only a small part of the brain, for no known reason.

Secondly, Fate? Well, maybe. Destiny? Well maybe. Things happen. Some are coincidence, others are not. A series of events WILL lead to a specific outcome, whether you believe it was from a higher power or not.
That's called a mere chain reaction of events, which is purely logical. However, what I was referring to was a series of events which all parties are unrelated to each other and chances are highly unlikely that they had contact with each other. Besides that, all of them were considering it for some time already and all decided to mention it in a short amount of time.

Obviously I endeavor to take the good options, but a lot of the time they are not the clearest action to take.
It often happens that when you think back on a decision, you might think that another option would have been better. That is something that does happen to everyone. =)

Fate is not soemthing I believe in. Destiny is harder to say no too, as in christianity, believe and you are destined to serve God in Heaven. But like Fladian said, religion is a difficult topic :)
Um... could you explain the difference between 'fate' and 'destiny' to me then? You see, I'm not really sure of the difference.

By the way, any questions about Christianity I will happily answer to the best of my ability, so ask away if you are curious, I won't preach to you :)
No likely questions from my side, a (foreign though) friend and my mother are Christians, as I recall.


New Member
Hmmm. Fate and Destiny? Difficult.
In simple terms, from my simple thought patterns at the moment :)
Fate: Something that is going to happen no matter what you do, its something that you can't change, it will happen no matter what, you have no say in the matter.
Destiny: You are destined to do something, it is your destiny to do this. This is hard, as it sounds the same as fate. I think with fate, you have no choice. But with destiny, you do. You may be destined to do something, but how you do it, or what the outcome is, you can still say no, you may be destined, but it is still your choice to accept it.
Fate is different, with fate, you are fated to do something. Something is fated to happen, there is no choice, it will happen no matter what.
So there is my thing: Fate = no choice. Destiny = choose too or not


New Member
I don't believe in any of this crap, I take my life as it comes, day by day. I am very keen on joining the defence force and going into the front line and fighting for my country (Australia) but my parents aren't keen on me being on the front line, the way I see it is; if I get shot, I get shot. There is nothing more I can do about it.


New Member
the way I see it is; if I get shot, I get shot. There is nothing more I can do about it.

Not get shot? :) That's something you could do ;)
Joining the defence force is not too bad a thing to do, I too am from Australia, but I tell you, the next wars we'll be in you wouldn't want to be in the front line, you'll be cut down like wheat. War is not a nice thing, nor a "poetic" thing, at least not anymore. One push of a button and you anihilate an entire city.
But it is your choice :)


New Member
if there isnt a front line there are no lines at all... like i said i think fate is just what we did chose not what we will choose...
i didnt know australia even had a need for an army, sorry if this sounds facist or whatever but i always thought your main form of defence was boomerangs and yo yos lol (bows head in shame for not knowing enough about other countries)