you know, its funny, most movies made after video games or cartoons get fucked up somehow.. Its like the director did a half assed job at studying the storyline to a movie. I haven't seen X3 yet, I planned on it but I keep hearing bad reviews. Another fucked up movie was Mortal Kombat 2, lmao... I won't go there. Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 was cool animation but shitty ass storyline. Nothing following the game play or role play from the series. Do I have to bring up Street Fighter the movie? THe only movie I felt was closest to any storyline was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but then again.... Beebop and Rocksteady werent in it at all.... Insteady they had those two terrible looking villains, the baby snapping turtle and the baby wolf monsters. OMG. HERE's A REALLY FREAKIN GOOD EXample OF a fucked up movie that could have been better, WING COMMANDER. JEEzus Christ! The Wing Commander 3 game could have made a better more interesting movie, lol. The NEw Batman movie that just came out, awesome shit, better that gothic crap Tim Burton kept coming out with. the only thing is the storyline doesnt fit in with Tim Burton's Batman. It ended with the joker already existing and leaving calling cards? No he didnt!? If I remember correctly Bruce Wayne met and knew Jack's chracter before he turned into Joker.
Well, that just wasted a few minutes of my life. I hate it when movies don't follow the story. It's like the director thinks it's better or something.