For all those who have seen or want to see X3...


New Member
I promise this doesn't ruin the movie. But there is one point in the movie where Juggernaut says "Don't you know who I am? I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!"

I couldn't stop laughing.


New Member

seriously... the worst xmen movie ever. completely ruined storylines, wolverines character, phoenix, and juggernaut, oh ya and xavier was made out to be a prick ... wtf. thats what happens when the director leaves and goes off to make superman. wtf.

other than that, i would rate the movie a 5 just because i do like xmen and even though most of it was bullshit, it had a few good action scenes.


New Member
i also agree. I liked the movie to a degree but the story line is no where near what the pheonix saga is. but yea the juggernaught bitch thing was funny as fuck. that got a good laugh in the movie


New Member
you know, its funny, most movies made after video games or cartoons get fucked up somehow.. Its like the director did a half assed job at studying the storyline to a movie. I haven't seen X3 yet, I planned on it but I keep hearing bad reviews. Another fucked up movie was Mortal Kombat 2, lmao... I won't go there. Resident Evil and Resident Evil 2 was cool animation but shitty ass storyline. Nothing following the game play or role play from the series. Do I have to bring up Street Fighter the movie? THe only movie I felt was closest to any storyline was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, but then again.... Beebop and Rocksteady werent in it at all.... Insteady they had those two terrible looking villains, the baby snapping turtle and the baby wolf monsters. OMG. HERE's A REALLY FREAKIN GOOD EXample OF a fucked up movie that could have been better, WING COMMANDER. JEEzus Christ! The Wing Commander 3 game could have made a better more interesting movie, lol. The NEw Batman movie that just came out, awesome shit, better that gothic crap Tim Burton kept coming out with. the only thing is the storyline doesnt fit in with Tim Burton's Batman. It ended with the joker already existing and leaving calling cards? No he didnt!? If I remember correctly Bruce Wayne met and knew Jack's chracter before he turned into Joker.

Well, that just wasted a few minutes of my life. I hate it when movies don't follow the story. It's like the director thinks it's better or something.


New Member
It's called wanting to make more money off of the ENTERTAINMENT. The majority of people don't know the storylines to all these comics, I know I don't. I enjoyed X-Men personally, it's a good movie not a comic.


New Member
Personally, I like it sometimes when they take small liberties with things from those stories and games, keeps it fresh and interesting. The RE movies have been good I thought, they presented some cool scenarios and explained the virus in ways people who did not play the games would get.
And the reason the new Batman doesn;t fit in with the Burton Batman stuff is because they wanted a fresh start on the franchise, kinda do it over the right way you know? Batman Begins was way more badass than any of Burton/Schumaker ones. And I enjoyed X3 also, definetly had some surprises in it, and seeming as I don't read comic books I can give it shit if it follows that, it could have been a little longer though to develop more thoroughly though.


New Member
yea, Resident evil was a really good movie. I just didnt like how they made the old masion an actual door way to get to the main lab under racoon city. The old masion was a whole game on its own, Resident evil for PS. but your right, it does make the movie more interesting when you don't know whats going on. I like the fact that in resident evil 2 they tried to control the tyrant with computers just like they do in the game, resident evil Outbreak file #2. And then the tyrant turns on them, classic.
they should have made him a classic tyrant with the long claws on one hand, not Nemesis. I didn't really like the Nemesis game. It was neat but the whole idea about bringing the virus to France or something? The first 2 games and the outbreak games all are about just the outbreak in Raccoon city, resident evil 4 was a completely different scenario out side the virus storyline, WONDERFUL game. but that 3rd resident evil nemesis.... doesnt fit.


New Member
X-men was like the abridged version of what could have been a few X-men movies. Phoenix's story is all fucked up, so is Beast's, so is Juggernaut's, so is Magneto's, etc. etc. etc. I'd rate it a 3 for story, 7 for effects, avg out to a crappy-assed 5. :sob: the thrill is gone.

Somebody pull the plug...X-men has gone braindead.