For Aurora...


New Member
...and all of you crazy rushing fools out there



New Member
Aurora has really come a long way since when I first saw him on the server. He is like Worm....rush like crazy. He takes out a lot of people sometimes that way. One thing is for sure when you are rushing in a FF environment......anybody you meet is the enemy, so kill anything that moves. Aurora has his camping moments too. His favorite is Dust2, outside the B tunnel, huddled against the wall. It never ceases to amaze me how many of us forget about him at that spot.


New Member
guys i wanna thank u for :

1.let me play in the server for this long with this ping

2.suffrin my bad english

sry guys: the start i was campin alot cus this is the only way that i knew to play (im still new in this game )and a lot of ppl was mad about me like they mad about eric the red.sorry for those times.

2. for flankin u and shot u in the back sry Dilla i know u hate me for this.

p.s// when u guys slipp im a wake and i cant find a server to play
cus there is nothing that comper to PuNx .

love u all. :wink:


New Member
Good times Aurora! Always wecome here, especially since your lady friend is SMOKIN! Always good to see a fellow flank and shank type of guy like myself :twisted:


New Member
thats tight pic. it reminds me of a d2 ct middle rush we did yesterday
taht was quite possibly the pwnjiest rush ever.

Ramon Knight

New Member
It seems I run head first into Aurora in dust2 and desertruines..i pretty much rush every map (cept piranesi, italy, and aztec, which i've found are good sniping maps)