==============================ACCOUNT INFO======================================
Steam user since December 27, 2012
Mikey Price | US
Last logoff: 3 days ago
Over the last 2 years, you've spent 664.5 hours playing this selection, which includes 43 items, is valued at $344.78, and requires 235.9 GB
MY SALE PRICE: $195 to PayPal: mikeyfinds@gmail.com is my PayPal
The account has been used a lot around the 2 years I have had it. I mainly buy FPS [FirstPersonShooters] I don't download single player games.
This Offer Ends Soon!!! So Mail Me At Mikeyfinds@gmail.com reply I want Or Reply with a question
One last thing you pay before I send any information. If you have a problem with that please don't bother because I'm a fair man I wont scam.
Warning any scams or misuse of my current info on my account will result in a law suite so be aware
Payout to PayPal: mikeyfinds@gmail.com You pay I send all information
If you think I will scam you, you have all rights to have my account shutdown and you have the rights to have me reported. BUT THAT WONT HAPPEN
[DR] B00G13_M4N
Steam ID: 76561198079746089
List of my games can be found here with my SteamID:
Steam user since December 27, 2012
Mikey Price | US
Last logoff: 3 days ago
Over the last 2 years, you've spent 664.5 hours playing this selection, which includes 43 items, is valued at $344.78, and requires 235.9 GB
MY SALE PRICE: $195 to PayPal: mikeyfinds@gmail.com is my PayPal
The account has been used a lot around the 2 years I have had it. I mainly buy FPS [FirstPersonShooters] I don't download single player games.
This Offer Ends Soon!!! So Mail Me At Mikeyfinds@gmail.com reply I want Or Reply with a question
One last thing you pay before I send any information. If you have a problem with that please don't bother because I'm a fair man I wont scam.
Warning any scams or misuse of my current info on my account will result in a law suite so be aware
If you think I will scam you, you have all rights to have my account shutdown and you have the rights to have me reported. BUT THAT WONT HAPPEN
[DR] B00G13_M4N
Steam ID: 76561198079746089
List of my games can be found here with my SteamID: