Friggin' crazy day


New Member
Ok, /rant

So yesterday I woke up to the sweet smell of a backed up sewage system. I went into my basement and found that my raw sewage had come up through the floor drains and into my basement. This made me happy. So I stayed home from werk and snaked my drains. No luck. I took a sledgehammer to the floor and dug a hole around my main line, breaking the terra cotta pipe in the process. I finally called roto rooter and they came with a big unit snake and cleared the drain. So long story short, I got covered in my share of feces, had to fix a broken sewer line, and paid $190.00 for some unlucky guys to come help me.

So while I had a literally shitty day at home, it seems that everything fell apart at work as well. I ended up coming in a few hours early today to pick up the pieces. So far it has been crazy busy, and work is piling up faster than I can deal with.

So then you ask "Why are you here posting if you are so busy?" Good question. This is my release. I must vent. K. Now I'm better.


New Member
In my buddy's old house (note to self, it's a college kid's house) when he had a party people would piss and flush after every time, and after so long, the shower that he had in the middle of his basement (no door, just a random shower), well shit would come through the drain! This caused the, "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown let it drown" rule. No one listened because everyone is drunk, stoned, or a combination of the two. Ah, I love college.


New Member
Deviant said:
In my buddy's old house (note to self, it's a college kid's house) when he had a party people would piss and flush after every time, and after so long, the shower that he had in the middle of his basement (no door, just a random shower), well shit would come through the drain! This caused the, "If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown let it drown" rule. No one listened because everyone is drunk, stoned, or a combination of the two. Ah, I love college.



New Member
Deviant said:
"If it's yellow let it mellow, if it's brown let it drown"

ROFL. I'm usually frugal (cheap) and I told my wife that priceless quote to save money on the water bill. Needless to say that she does not adhere to the rule (after she said something about how dumb that was.) It just makes me laugh hearing that. :lol: :lol: :lol:


New Member
Me & Hypnos lived with some no-toilet-flushing hippies.

Stale piss is not my idea of a "good time".

Just stick a milk jug in the tank!