

New Member
SuXoR said:

i would like to know the mechanics of that process

That was my thoughts. Special electrolysis? H20 to HHO?

One thing I do find odd is why the vehicle he is driving is a hybrid. If he could run it on water, why doesnt he? There must be no self-sustaing action. If this machine takes an ass-load of electricity to generate the HH0 then he might as well drive an electric and elimate the middle man.


New Member
im about to buy some stock in that shit

the gas might need to be used to start the vehicle. once it is started and the alternator is going then the water can probably kick in. im guessing it probably takes a lot of electricity to start and create a sustanable reaction.


New Member
well i did some research and it looks like the process of converting the water (H2O) into H2 for the fuel source takes a lot of energy. so you need an alternative fuel source that can help power the reaction while the H2 then powers the vehicle or vise versa. So i was partly right in my last post. either way its still a great concept and would reduce oil consumption. and you are also releasing O2 back into the air. Im sure this process will either get more efficient in the future or will cause a spin off of new technologies.

also the process of burning the H2 releases more energy than hydrocarbons. it just takes a lot more energy to maintain the reaction process.


New Member
M1ster_R0gers said:
That was my thoughts. Special electrolysis? H20 to HHO?

What he's doing is dual electroysis. The first one splits the O from the H2, then the second process tears the H atoms apart to be single atoms of H and O, thus having HHO gas. The electrolysis requires a good amount of electricity to conduct the processes, so I would imagine the internal combustion engine turns a high voltage alternator that produces the electricity required for the electrolysis process. Not exactly self-sustaining, but close. Maybe he should try using the gasses created by the electrolysis and combine them into a exotic fuel cell (like the ones currently used by NASA for all of their spacecraft) while diverting some the gas to the working processes for mechanical power generation i.e. the fuel needed to create the bang in the engine.

ummm......wth? i came up with that? oh damn son.......