Funny story


New Member
I don't know if this is going to be as funny now as it was then, but I'll share anyway. Last night I was at the party completely gone talkin to this kid that I know, but not real well. Anyway, we somehow start talkin about computer games and I told him I played cz blah blah blah. He says he doesn't play it but he watched a video the other day of "this crazy cz player, whenever he killed someone he yelled BOOM HEADSHOT! and then he ran with a knife because that apparently made him fo faster." I fucking died. It might of been cause I was buzzed, but oh well.


New Member
Funny, I was in a class this last week and there was a guy that was a Xbox live freak and when he found out I played counterstrike he told me there was this great video I had to watch. It was the boom headshot video. I didn't have the pleasure of being stoned while he told me about it though.


New Member
Im not suprised that so many people have seen the "BOOM HEADSHOT" movie. In my opinion, the guy wanted publicity and he has gotten it ! For instance, servers are using his custom voice and theres already cs sprays with his picture.