Welcome to another Legion of English Gamers review. As always, the link to the blog is in my profile, if you want to see it.
Happy new year by the way.
Super Mario Galaxy. Voted game of the year...and how deserving it is. It's been years since the last "true" Mario platformer game came out, which is something Nintendo needs to tend to. I mean, they've got all these spin-off games which aren't nearly as popular. Surely at least half of these efforts could be put into developing at least more than one platformer per console. The only console thus far to have more than one platformer (not counting remakes) is the NES (I don't count Yoshi's island as a true Mario platformer I'm afraid).
But once again, I must state that I'm reviewing Galaxy. So let's not get side-tracked.
Story-wise, Galaxy, from a quick glance, is no different to the other games. Peach gets kidnapped; Mario defeats Bowser, saves Peach, blah, blah, blah. But that's only skin-deep. This time around, Bowser wants to destroy the universe and create an empire from the remains. Not sure why he wants Peach (it's been over a month and a half since I first started it) but it gives Mario an excuse to go into space. Interestingly, there's a side-story which is a rarity. Mario is rescued by these beings called Luma's and their Monarch; Rosalina. As you progress through the game you unlock chapters of a story telling of how she came to meet the Lumas. It's really quite touching.
Speaking of the characters, they're quite odd. Rosalina in terms of looks is incredibly similar to Peach, but I can forgive that. The lumas are also quite wacky. They seem to be premature beings that transform into various things as they grow up (some turn into mushrooms, some turn into galaxies) and the way they're so willing to give up their lives scares me.
The controls are very nice and prove the Wii remote isn't a gimmick once and for all! Obviously, moving is done by the control stick and jumping is by A. B is to fire star bits (more about them later), spin attacks are performed by shaking the wiimote. This feels very natural and is a lot more satisfying than simply spinning the control stick. There are certain sections of the game that also make use of the functions, like the blue stars which require you to click them to make them pull Mario into the air towards them. A minor issue is that sometimes the controls mess up when you're moving underneath a planet, but I can't complain. I understand this is very difficult to program and it's much better than SA2's attempt *shudders*
I'm kind of disappointed by the main map. That is, it feels bleak and lifeless, unlike Peach castles and Isle Delfino. I didn't feel any freedom to explore it and uncover secrets (pathetically, all there is, is a few 1-ups)
In Sunshine, the main screen was so huge and there was a lot to do. I spent a lot of hours just wandering around it spraying random things. All I get to do here is walk into a few buildings that transport you to the levels. In the same way, the game mostly has you on a set course to the goal unlike Sunshine's levels. Even more disappointing is that there are only three levels to play through in each world, unlike 64 and Sunshine's eight. Sure, you've got a special star, a comet star and a purple coin star, but they just feel so bleak compared to the levels. That said, I do like the arcadey style in the levels, but it would be nice to have a mixture of both (there are a few admittedly, but still)
That said, the amount of effort and imagination put into the levels is very nice so I give points for that (My personal favorite is the toy time galaxy. GIANT ICE CREAM FOR CRYING OUT LOUD).
Another minor annoyance is that there's hardly anything hidden very well, so you don't get a sense of satisfaction when you find something because most of the time, it's glaringly obvious when something hidden.
A new feature is a two player co-op mode, but it's no-where near as fun as you'd think. All player two is, is a little star icon that can stun enemies for a second or two, or make Mario jump. Believe me, with a brother like mine, this is really, really, really, annoying.
They can also shoot Star bits, which is only useful during boss battles when you can't afford to spend time aiming at the yellow lights which give you coins. It would have at least been nicer if you could play as the Luma who lives under Mario's hat throughout the game. But nooooo, instead you're this little blue...star...icon thing. Lame
Incidentally, star bits are these new collectible items like coins, except you can actually use them for something other than restoring health. You use these to feed to the lumas so they can mature and transform (thus killing themselves) and you can shoot them at stuff (like enemies) but it's pretty pointless because there isn't a single enemy that requires to be shot with them, so that kills the novelty.
I'd like to talk about the graphics now. They are freaking gorgeous. From the reflection of Mario in the jewel of the rocks early in the game to the slippery platform on the final level, there's just so much detail put into it. It's hard to believe the Wii is capable of such graphics after seeing its other games.
The sound is also beautiful to listen to. Nintendo has created yet another classic soundtrack that we'll be listening to for years to come, I'm sure. Not only is the music great, the sound effects are brilliant too (my personal favorite is the one that plays when you jump on the robots).
Hm...you know, I'm not sure what to talk about now. I don't want to spoil anything for those of you who haven't played the game yet, so I'm going to end it here.
I know I've been quite negative during this review, but the fact that I'm complaining about suicidal characters and different styled levels tells you something doesn't it.
It's been hard to choose a score, but I think it deserves...hm...
If you don't have this game, then please; PLEASE get it now. You need this game more than your brain ;_;