Games to avoid


These games are bad games i wont list reasons though some games i have not played

video games:
soldner secret wars (pc)
Shaun whites snowboarding (xbox360)
simpsons skateboarding (ps2)
lol(nintendo ds)

Addicting games's games:
smileys revenge
i dont know any others

tell me games we should avoid


New Member
COD:WaW is the best world war two game out there so far, in my opinion...but I enjoy TKing teammates with a flamethrower. So that's just me.

Worst game ever?


Yes, It's a huge success. Is it innovative? No. Is it original? Not really. Is it fun? If you like doing the same bloody thing over and over and over again, just hoping you're faster at clicking than the other guy.

Ignoring that, Kane and Lynch for the PC was pretty bad. I'm pretty sure you kill about three fourths of the united state's total police force.


Active Member
im a noob but...what is COD's about?...cuz i have to admit im new in the world of FPS's...

the worst for me...
ghost recon....(all versions LOL).


New Member
I didn't like TF2. The fact that you can spend an hour and half shooting eachother is one of the reasons why I stopped playing Farcry 2's Multiplayer as well. Crysis has the same faults.

When a person can take his weight in lead, and still beable to continue walking...I don't play the multi anymore.

Ghost Recon was HARD. The AI in that game was bloody intense. Some of the hardest missions i've never replayed...ever...were in that series of games. Co-Op on the 360 for GRAW-2 was a blast however and it's well worth the buy if you have the 360. The PC version was better in graphics, but in the gameplay it faltered with bugs.

If you enjoy tactical shooters that are bloody impossible to beat, try ArmA and/or Operation Flashpoint. Both older, cheap cheap games now. If you can run CA, you can run both of the above and well...if you have the guts to go through that game on hard and can prove it to me afterward that you actually did it...well you sir...must be one patient SOB. There's gotta be a medal for that somewhere.


game comparison

xbox 360:many good games(my recommendation)
ps3:i dont have any but have the system i want some
Wii: a million lower quality games that last a bit

i know the wii does not have over a million just exaggerating that