games we play (or games we've played)

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New Member
I've played Heart of Darkness, a neat little PS1 game (despite sucky story) that has similar gameplay to Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee and Oddworld: Abe's Exodus.

What else do I like about Heart of Darkness besides the gameplay? Well, the enemy characters of course! ;) They're the Shadows: nasty little buggers that'll stop at nothing to eat you, burn you, or worse; but the good news is that they can't withstand the sunlight.

Now, feel free to talk about any games you play (or games you've played) on any game system aside from this one.


New Member
I moved this thread to the 'Gaming section,' but there is already a somewhat similar thread to this. Don't you think this could be discussed in the older thread?


New Member
Guess I forgot to take a good look about at each thread (I feel special, yet slow) before posting a new topic.
*smacks himself*
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