Defender said:
And what's the difference between Bush scaring us and you scaring us? Oh the world is over because Bush is president...blah blah blah.
Can you tell me exactly what rights you personally have lost since Bush was elected? Can you tell me how the loss of those rights have negatively effected you? Can you even name a person you know that can answer these questions?
Actually yes. My father is union steward for the Norfolk Naval Shipyard. He makes sure that jobs are carried out safely. He makes sure that workers are getting their fair wage. He fights for the little guy.
Before "homeland security" started to lay their strangle hold on the people, he could request information, when needed for a union case, to lay a defense or prosecution for a worker or group of workers or whatever. Not anymore. Now that they have their umbrella, they black ball him until the grace period for filing the injustice or whatever is over and he can't do shit about it. They tell him, "oh...we're sorry...but the documents you need are a matter of national security and we can't release them to you." gg...sorry about your luck Mr. Employee who works under that crane with the broken boom that needs to be fixed. I'm sure his kids will understand when that boom breaks and crushes him. I am sure the government will send a nice letter to his family telling them that "sorry folks, we could have been cooperational and helped save your father/son/husbands life...but it was a matter of national security."
Look how backwards we've moved as a society in the past 6 years man. Ban gay marriage? Stem cells poo pooed? FUCKING STEM CELLS? Are you serious? Holy shit the advancements in medicine that could become available because of stem cell research. Democracy is NOT supposed to be based on christianity, yet this yo yo takes every chance he gets to jam god right down your throat.
It's shit like this. This is just the start. There is more and more everday. When people are ready to hand over their rights for a little "protection" the government can pretty much write their own ticket.
Now...on the same token, democrats and liberals aren't any better. Bunch of spineless weiners who don't know which direction they want to point their dicks. Neither party works anymore. The whole system is fucked. What happened to campaigns where the nominee explained what he was going to do for ME and MY COUNTRY? Instead of flinging shit at the other opponent?
They are all idiots and snakes and old men who don't know shit about what's going down in the streets. Backhanded, coldblooded, two faced. I can't wait till the whole shithole goes up in flames.