Giving Blood


New Member
Well.. the days come, I'm off to give blood!

Never really thought about it until the other day when I heard an advert on the raido. Was sharon osbourne saying she'd have died if it wasnt for blood donars. Inspired me to go give some.

Afterall, I get it all back in a few days.

I'm so nervous though. Off now :closedeyes:


New Member
Just what?
Questions that deal with your sexual activity, orientation, any drugs (medical or not) that you've taken, if you've drunken any boose lately, etc.

Your giving blood, so you should answer honestly.

So lets just say don't go with your mom.


New Member
giving blood isn't that bad... i gave blood myself... got myself a whole cookie...:D jk.. anyways... if you ever do give blood you'll be fine..;)


New Member
I gave blood..

You have to be 17 and weigh at least 120 Pounds.. in the United States.. Or something like that..

I actually got a cookie ;)