GlobalWarfighter is proud to host a
Combat Arms
2v2 Partner Elimination Tournament
Registration will close: March 30th, 2009
This event will start on: March 30th, 2009
GWL Event Staff:
The format for this tournament will be single elimination. A qualifier round will be conducted to determine seeding and who makes it into the first official round. Any team may join.
Don't miss out!
Tournament Overview
This tournament will be a 2v2 Partner Elimination Tournament. Two rounds are played and a tie-breaker round if necessary
Tournament Registration Sign Up
To register for the GWL 2v2 Partner Elimination Tournament, teams can go to their GWL "Team Profile" page and click the <Join a Competition> button and select the 2v2 Partner Elimination Tournament. Teams can also join by clicking the <SIGN UP> button from the 2v2 Partner Elimination Tournament information page linked above. There is no skill point requirement to join this tournament. All players on teams must have an active/current registered GUID at GWL (name you play with online). Players can manage their Combat Arms GUID through their "Player Profile" page.
Alternatively, just click HERE
Tournament Rules
Rules for the tournament beyond the overview description above can be accessed via the <Rules> button on the tournament information page linked above.
In this tournament, we will be introducing a new rule. At the beginning of every match, ALL players are required to take a screenshot of the screen which includes their partner and the environment around them (i.e. building that you're inside, vegetation, etc.)
Tournament Maps
The maps in this tournament will be decided by vote. All GWL members can vote for the maps to be played in this 2v2 Partner Elimination Tournament by accessing the <Votes> tab on their GWL Combat Arms home page, or just click HERE. The maps chosen MUST stand as the maps to play. The maps will stand as the maps to play for ALL teams in the round and is non-negotiable by any team.
Please make sure that you have READ and UNDERSTOOD all of the rules for this tournament. If you have any questions, feel free to email me at dudsbro@globalwf.net, Xfire me at dudsbro or shoot me a PM on the site.
Good Luck to all teams!
In addition to this tournament that is running right now, we also have ladders in 2v2 & 5v5 Elimination, 5v5 CTF, and 5v5 S&D. After this tournament, there will be 5v5 tournaments!! Unfortunately no prize for this tourny, but doing well in this will help to get your team a good seeding for planned prize tournaments.