GMT and posts


New Member
We had this discussion quite a while ago about the user profile.

If you click on the link above that says PROFILE scroll down to the timezone.

This server is set to be in GMT. (That is what it thinks it is in.)

You need to adjust your profile to be based on that.

The east coast normally is GMT -5 (minus five). Change your setting to GMT thoguh to show the post in the correct time zone.

If you are in CENTRAL change it to GMT-1.
If you are in MOUNTAIN change it to GMT-2.
If you are in PACIFIC change it to GMT-3.

At least the post wil show correctly ....

If you live with AB in Hafia then set it to GMT+X and add five to it.

Just thoguht a few would like to know and understand a simple setting to help you out.


New Member
Right, but he's saying the forum server thinks it is in GMT time so in order to be in central you need to set it for gmt -1


New Member

If the forum gets set to the correct time all the post will be off by quite a few hours for those of you that never set your default options in the Forums.