Going to be gone for a week.


New Member
So yes, letting every one know I'm going to be gone for a week. The 15th - 21st of Jan. I'm heading back over to japan for some much needed R&R.

I was over there for a bit out of highschool. Had a run with the wrong guys so that ended that trip. Headed over to europ for a bit after that. Then back to the states.

So, lets just say...if I'm not back by feb. I've either died, I'm in a drug induced coma ontop of some naked asian girl. Or well... ran into Yabi's brother .... which would realy not be good...

So for good measure. For athorities, his name is marukomu shito, and his sister is Yabi Shito.

well any ways. enough of that for now. Sleep time. Peace


New Member
Indelible said:
Have fun!! Get plenty of Shabu Shabu. Talk to ya when ya get back.

Shabu Shabu? I think you meant Yabi Shito.

Rancid, my mother always said "Son, don't hang around girls with shit in their name". Ok, she really didn't say that but it sounds very wise and this girl, well, she has shit in her name. Hope you have a great time. Avoid the Japanese mafia. Don't bring up the topic of WW2, bad idea.
Rots o Ruck buddy.


New Member
ooooo be careful if ur white, an amercian navy man robbed and beat a 50 year old japanese woman to death for like $120.

their not so fond of americans at the moment, even tho u guys supply their army

not to mention u guys nuked em.....
