Good news for Teh Bunny


New Member
Well m tierd to fight with u about bunny stuff and i know it will not gonna finish ezly........ so i decide to change may name into 12aBBi[T] hope u will NOT complain

PS: m keeping my forum account withthe nick: Bunny


New Member

kid, i know there's a language barrier and everything..but you've got to understand somewhere in there that i'm joking. completely and totally joking with the ban the bunny imposter.

i couldn't care less other than the entertainment it causes when you decide to speak your mind on it.

so please, in the interest of this community, continue to create much ado about nothing!


New Member
psychonaut13 said:
at least we don't hack.

if that is a reference to me, you can go fuck yourself, i have never hacked in my life in any game and never will.

i don't know what shit you're on bunny, but there was a time when i had no problems with you, and liked you fine.

but as of the past month you've been a real dick