Grue? Gott! Chellaz! Salut! Hello!


New Member
Hi. I am a mapper myself, though I havent been very active since I have been *cough **cough**hack*Working*Hack*secretly*Couch**Couch*on plann*ough*ing a cam*OURAGH**PUTTPUTT*pain*cough**ACKK!*

Anyway, welcome to anvil.


New Member
thats a nasty bout of... whatever the hell just happened, do you need a glass of water? or something?

PS: why is your campaigne so secret? :p


New Member a little weezy. I think I need some water.

About the campain: Its secret since all the hipe that goes on about campains...I dont want to cause so much word about it, and disappoint everyone. I decided to announce it once im done getting all the ideas and most of the terrain down.


New Member
Aren't you happy that I have a friend who's studying medicines? :p I'll direct you to him. :p

The warm welcome might have scared him...
Guten Tag! Spreechen ze deutsch?
Guten Tag! Sprechen Sie Deutsch?

Hehe, nice try though.

Nice to have someone really from Germany as well. (Other person being me >.>)

EDIT: Before I get any comments - Yes I live in USA but I do talk, read German (Not so good typing) and I really am German. I am also in German School.


New Member
heh, i didn't even look at your locale till you mentioned USA. i knew about the capital D, i just forgot about it, and it's been ages (2 years) since i've done german properly. my attempt still sounds the same. (in my head anyway).

again, welcome!


New Member
It's funny too because you asked about his ability to speak german - and he lives in Germany grin.gif [/b]

Correct! :D

Wow, I never thought I would get that many warm welcomes :eek: :D Thanks for that heh :D
And hell yea! Death, IllidanStormrage, Fladian nice to read something from you again :D It was a nice time at TMG - there were not too many guys but enough to have an active forum and the quality there was also at the top :D Loved it! :D :infernal:


New Member
It's funny too because you asked about his ability to speak german - and he lives in Germany :yay:
the fact that he lives in germany is why i asked him. i can't remember why i decided to notice his locale and not anyone else's...

and to recca, yes we are very friendly here, thank you. :)

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