haaaa, 37


New Member
That's too funny, psycostats has me ranked at 37 and I have 68 more deaths than kills :? :? See, I told you all I am leet, bitches.... :lol: :lol:



New Member
You have higher headshot and accuracy numbers than I do and I am currently number 4. What you have to keep in mind is that psychostats are based on WHO you kill more than how many you kill.


New Member
ya, so when i put a bullet into puppet and palooza's head my rank gets better...rather than putting a bullet in your or keisors head....

btw ill do all of the above


New Member
omg u guys still dont know how psychostats work?? hahaha. basically what cronny said, if i got on a good streak where i was killing lets say the top 10 ppl like crazy and they couldnt touch me, then my "skill" would go up based on the skill level they had. but if im killing people with 900 skill and im at like 1200 then i dont gain shit.


New Member
Yeah, you gain more skill if you kill people with higher skill than you.

Your K : D ratio, accuracy, HS%, streaks, etc. also affect it but the "who you kill" has the greatest affect on your rank.

Kill the top players and you'll move up. Rape newbies and you won't get anywhere.


New Member
And for those who want the in depth technical write up here it is. The number that is the basis of your rank is your skill number.

How is skill calculated? Simply put: Skill points are given for each kill you get. You receive more points for killing somone that has a higher skill point value than you do. Weapons do not alter points at all. And players receive bonuses for doing things such as bombing targets and saving hostages.

PsychoStats v1.4 and above have used a formula called The ELO Method. This method of skill calculation takes into account the skill of the killer and victim as described above, but it takes a closer more detailed look.

A player begins with a skill of 1000 by default (your stats.cfg can change this). When someone gets killed, the killer and the victim will have their skill rating adjusted. This adjustment depends on two things: the delta (difficulty of the kill) based upon the rankings, and the development coefficient, based upon the amount of kills each person has.

The delta is expressed in this formula:
Delta = 1


1 + 10(k-v)/1000

The next step in the equation is to find the development coefficient. This number determines how many points you can at most gain or lose when you die. This coefficient uses a much simpler formula. Everyone's coefficient is initially at 20. After 100 kills, it drops to 15.

The killer's rating will increase by the difficulty rating multiplied by his development coefficient. Conversely, the victim's rating will decrease by the difficulty rating times his experience coefficient. Thus, the complete formula is:
New Skill = Skill ± K


1 + 10(k-v)/1000

Also, any award shown in the stats listing can be setup by the admin to give bonus points to players. Like having the highest K:D ratio, etc. These extra bonuses are only applied after all the logs are scanned and are flat bonuses.