

New Member
Hei, I'm pretty new to Combat arms!

IGN - Ender07

I really like snow valley and two towers because I love sniping, but sometimes you just gotta do a junk flea or 2! My current setup is a SR25 or L96A1 and a smg or assault rifle of sorts. I have a clan called Walmart Polizei, and me and my friend are starting up some clan forums and a site soon!

Hope to have some fun fraggin' noobs in there with ya!



New Member
Love reporting in.

Welcome to CAF! Hope you enjoy your stay, and hope to see you in-game.
Yeah, who doesn't need a Junk Flea match here and there? :p
Nice set up you have there, mine is an AK-47, with a M16A1 as back up.
Hope to see your clan forum and site soon. :p