halo punxclan



New Member
Punx Membership Terms
1.)As a Punx Clan member, one must respect all of those who rank above him/her and will follow their orders.
2.)One must not betray fellow members or give any information to other clans that may hurt Punx.
3.)If one does decide to quit the clan, he/she must keep all information of the Punx Clan in secret.
4.)Cheating is not tolerated and will result in a warning, and then removal from the clan.
5.)One must be willing challenge a clan Overlord in order to possibly gain membership in Punx Clan and will respect the decision...no matter the outcome.

wow aren't they strict....'keep all information of the Punx Clan a secret,' wth do they have to hide? lol


New Member
i like how it says they will be warned first if cheating. like

clanmate "wow, billy your hacking."

Billy "yeah, i forgot to tell you guys that. Thought you knew by now."

clanmate "Its cool man, no worries. can you please delete them?"

Billy "Sure, thanks for the warning. I thought you might ban me and kick me out of the clan. You guys sure are swell. Where is the Overlord? He's late for the match. "