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Models do not have a set file path unless you wish to replace an existing model within Warcraft.
So, as per all imports, import the model as follows.
Step 1: Get The Model.
Get the model you want to import.
Where can I find downloadable models?
Download it, and extract the files into a folder.
If the model has custom skins, make sure they are in “.blp” format.
Step 2: The Import Manager
(The tooltip menu)
Click on the Import Manager (F12) in the tool tip menu.
(Import Manager Icon)
Then click on File, Import File (Ctrl+I) or Import Files (Ctrl+Shift+I) if you want to import more then one file.
NOTE – You can also click on the icon shown within the import manager to import a file.
(Import File (Ctrl+I))
Step 3: Import the Model
Then browse through your files and find the model you want to import.
Step 4: Custom Paths
You will probably notice that the imported files all show a path like "war3mapImported\???.blp".
This is wrong and you need to adjust all paths.
The main model file is the ".mdx".
This model don’t need a specific path, so you can leave it the way it is now: "war3mapImported\???.mdx" or just delete the “war3mapImported\”.
NOTE - Paths are all different depending of the creator, the creator of a model or a skin chooses the path which the model/skin needs in order to work probably.
To edit a path of an imported file you double click the imported file and then check/enable the "Use custom path" checkbox. Now enter the correct path.
<a href=\"\" target=\"_new\"><img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
(In this case i'm useing a Drake model)
NOTE – Usually creators write the paths of the models/skins so people know what path they should use so they don’t have to try all kinds of paths.
After you’ve entered the correct path, click on OK.
Step 5: Save the Map and close it.
Step 6: Open the Map
Your model should now appear in game.
NOTE - You can make a new custom unit or base it on another one to see if the model appears under Art – Model File.
If you can’t see the model, try place the unit on the map.
If it doesn’t appear there, it’s either bugged or else the custom path is wrong.
So, as per all imports, import the model as follows.
Step 1: Get The Model.
Get the model you want to import.
Where can I find downloadable models?
Download it, and extract the files into a folder.
If the model has custom skins, make sure they are in “.blp” format.
Step 2: The Import Manager

(The tooltip menu)
Click on the Import Manager (F12) in the tool tip menu.

(Import Manager Icon)
Then click on File, Import File (Ctrl+I) or Import Files (Ctrl+Shift+I) if you want to import more then one file.

NOTE – You can also click on the icon shown within the import manager to import a file.

(Import File (Ctrl+I))
Step 3: Import the Model
Then browse through your files and find the model you want to import.
Step 4: Custom Paths
You will probably notice that the imported files all show a path like "war3mapImported\???.blp".
This is wrong and you need to adjust all paths.
The main model file is the ".mdx".
This model don’t need a specific path, so you can leave it the way it is now: "war3mapImported\???.mdx" or just delete the “war3mapImported\”.
NOTE - Paths are all different depending of the creator, the creator of a model or a skin chooses the path which the model/skin needs in order to work probably.
To edit a path of an imported file you double click the imported file and then check/enable the "Use custom path" checkbox. Now enter the correct path.
<a href=\"\" target=\"_new\"><img width=\"501\" class=\"attach\" src=\"\" border='0' alt=\"IPB Image\" />
(In this case i'm useing a Drake model)
NOTE – Usually creators write the paths of the models/skins so people know what path they should use so they don’t have to try all kinds of paths.
After you’ve entered the correct path, click on OK.
Step 5: Save the Map and close it.
Step 6: Open the Map
Your model should now appear in game.
NOTE - You can make a new custom unit or base it on another one to see if the model appears under Art – Model File.
If you can’t see the model, try place the unit on the map.
If it doesn’t appear there, it’s either bugged or else the custom path is wrong.