Hypnos Saves Havana


New Member
I was looking at the psychostats earlier and saw that Hypnos has rescued 72 hostages on cs_havana. I think the next closest guy had 4.

Did you have a bored day?



New Member
PS - I'm l33t now. No more wannabe. W00T.

Oh yeah, my avatar works now, too. You dig? I was thinking of photoshopping a hole in it's dome.. That'd be nice, right?


New Member
Imagining Hypnos running around havana alone rescuing hostages brings a smile to my face. Not a smile of satisfaction, but moreso the kind like when you are so sad that a smile comes from the irony of the pain.

Or something..


New Member
The sad part is he was probably laughing and enjoying that shit.
Fourty some times.....wow dude, were u at work or something?


New Member
slick said:
Fourty some times.....wow dude, were u at work or something?

Well, it was the first morning that the CZ server was back and it was like 10am so I thought I would just hang out until someone showed up. So I was just sitting there....alone....chillin..when I noticed these hosties running out, I guess they try to escape after awhile, so I clicked on them and they came running and I won the map. So then I decided that I would liberate all the poor hostages in all of Cuba!! Or at least until someone showed up. So I began my mission, silenced m4 in hand I darted through the deserted streets liberating everyone I came across, shooting around every corner....just in case. Well after 15 minutes I grew wary of havana's liberation being on my hands alone....so I left.....with 72 hosties...woot....