Wow Dirty. Pretty impressive stats. Number 4 on the server. After looking at your stats I suggest you buy a deagle every round with kevlar and nades and helmut and only use that deagle, cause you have a 5 to 1 kill ratio on that gun. Nice.
Thank you for saying I suck ass indirectly since I love the UMP 45! I appreciate that others notice that even though my score is not always, well never, that good that I am a rushin fool with a substanderd tool! :twisted:
You wanna know something funny? Out of all of the weapons listed I am most accurate with the grenade @ 74% -guess I need to sharpen up my shooting skills! :lol: I must be almost as accurate as slick with those damn things! :lol: I just looked, and I am number three with the nade! I am in good company in the top five though. I never really checked the stats before this post got started; I gotta quit shootin people in their legs! :twisted:
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