I need HELP


New Member
Super help, I hate this.

I downloaded Anti-Virus Number 1 kinda by accident. It says for me to pay $60 a month, NO WAY! I want to uninstall it, but it isnt in my programs. I dont know what to do, it keeps saying I got virsuses, (I KNOW I DO), and for me to register. Wow STFU, how do I uninstall this?

Its like... hiding.


New Member
Fist of all the anti-virus is actually the virus (or part of it) people for some twisted reason attach a virus to their software so that you have to buy their program to get rid of it. look online for some answers.... sorry i couldnt be that much help :(


New Member
Download uninstall tool, it detects any programmes on your pc and deletes it(Deletes all the left over registry stuff too)


New Member
Uninstall tool is better then Add remove programmes

Use this aswell http://killbox.net/

It will DELETE any file you want (Viruses won't let you delete them but Killbox will delete them)
