I wouldnt care seeing this church burning



New Member
Wright guys, who wants to start a picket outside of WestBoro Baptist church with me? I was thinking along the the lines of...

"WestBoro Baptist work through the Devil!" or
"Satan favors WestBoro Baptist"
"WestBoro Baptist is a ministry for Retards"
"The uneducated attend WestBoro Baptist!"
"WestBoro Baptist means Literally 'No IQ here'."

God Slick thanks for getting me pissed off at a church. That minister should be executed for preaching that shit in a Country founded on the bases of God and Liberties. There making a mockery of the Bible. No where in the Bible does it LITERALLY say God hates Gays. I've read the whoel bible, I know what it says. The whole sodam and Gemorah thing, was not because God hated gays, he was setting an example to his people for disobeying Him and "being worldly and what not".


New Member
Some mutherfuckers dedicate their whole life to protest against everything....this is not a perfect country, by far, but if you hate everything this much you should gtfo.
There are plenty others who would love to replace them.


New Member

That crotchety old rev phelps is at it again! I want to head on out to topeka and put a gay adult theater in across the street from his church. I think he spends too much time thinking about the mansex.


New Member
XxxRanciDxxX said:
Holly mother fuck. Ok, I'll buy the gas, some one else get the matches....

I got one even better........who want's to have some fun with me and my friend, RDX? :twisted:


New Member
You know, some one should print out a TON of gay and lesi porn. Like cheap ass black and white printer pictures. And wallpaper the entire church with them.


New Member

i dunno whats worse them or the al quieda yelling praise to allah before they suicide bomb 100's of innocent