
New Member
I seem to remember that you said that you are of Indian descent. If that be the case, what is Tara in regards to the Hindi religion? I tried Google, but I would rather have a more personal answer. Thx.


New Member
Hmmm.......Tara is a name (in fact, I have a cousin named Tara), but there is more to it, there is something deeper but I can't quite remember, I'll ask my mom when she comes home.


New Member
Okay, I'm not Hindi either Curry, lol.

Anyway, i asked my mom. Tara means star. Further conotations, if you want them, are more like calling someone star, equivalent to say "star of my life". Also, many names are derived from nouns in Hindi, so naming your kid "Star" is kinda like naming your kid Raj (which means Rahja, or King). Hope that helps.