This is the rewrite of one of my finest work, If, and only if. For those who have read the original If, and only if, I highly recommend them to read the rewrite again. Not only does this include far more details, but it will also give more information about things, people or enviroments I forgot to do so earlier. For those who read the original, if you liked it then you can read the better version now. Therefore, the only words I can give are: Have fun.
Comments are still welcome.
"Rain? Is that what I felt? Those sudden drops that fell from out of nowhere; is it rain? I must see it myself... but why... why are my eyes so heavy? Perhaps more importantly, why does my chest hurt so much?" all kind of thoughts floated through my mind. "It was exactly the part between my ribs. It was as if someone or something managed to outclass me in speed during combat and placed a fresh blade between my ribs," I immediately discarded that thought. No one can outclass me in speed, no human, no creature, nothing can. Not in battle. "But," my thoughts continued, as if it was trying to find an explanation for everything, "but why does it hurt?"
Another wet drop fell on my face, breaking my concentration of the pain between my ribs and also distracting me of the suffering. "What are those wet drops," my mind asked myself, as if it was waiting for a proper answer. "It must be rain," I suddenly concluded, "despite that I can't see, I must be outside," my thoughts continued to search for an logical explanation. That explanation was nearly immediately declared false as I felt that the place I was lying felt soft to my body. It was obvious that it was a bed. "I cannot recall being brought inside," if I could open my eyes, I probably would have blinked with my eyes twice, a habit I had when I was confused about something, "as a matter of fact, I cannot even remember what I was doing. Besides that, I-..." my thoughts were cruely interupted when I could hear a young girl call her mother. Out of pure shock and surprise, all the pain I was suffering from disappeared and my body opened its eyes and rotated my head to the place where the sound came from. The second shock I got was the logical explanation of the wet drops that fell on my face. What I first thought was rain, was something I would never have imagined. It was something a real warrior, someone like myself, would never do. The wet drops flew from my face on the soft pillow where my head was resting on, as my mind made a conclusion of what I saw: "Tears?"
"Mom!" a loud voice echoed through the house again. "The man woke up!" I could hear the girl shout as the sound got softer every passing second, meaning that she was walking away from the room I was in. Not that I even cared about it, I was more interested in the tears that flew from my face.
"Those tears," my mind started to question me again, "are those mine?" I could feel the wet drops on my face and logic would say it were my tears, but something inside me couldn't believe that they were my tears. "Why would I cry?"
While I kept looking blankly in front of me, I saw the wooden door at the end of the room. The old wooden door was closed. The girl who ran out of the room probably closed the door when she saw me waking up. "How long have I been asleep?"
While I kept looking at the door, I slowly started to understand that it was not me who was crying. My eyes were dry, my sight wasn't one big blur, but salt-water rolled down my face, as if I just lost the most precious thing, the most important person to me in the world. My sight remained at the place the door was located, hoping that it would open again. "But if the door opens again, who would step through? Where am I? Who was the shouting girl?" All kind of questions kept floating through my mind. I felt unsure at this place, I wasn't even sure where I was at and what I was doing here. All I knew was that I kept hearing the girl shout for her mother and running through the house. Ignoring the breathing, I could hear every step she made, but slowly and eventually the sound dissipated and I could hear soft mumbling voices. There was no challenge in guessing what they were mumbling about. The girl shouted earlier that "the man opened his eyes," so they must have been talking about me now. Unless that there were more unknown men in this house and it was a hospital, but that didn't seem likely.
For the first time I remembered, I turned my head towards the other side of the room. All I saw on the right side was the door, for some reason everything around it was one giant blur. As I turned my head, I saw a ceilling of a similar material as the door. When I finally turned my head right, I saw a closed window that gave me the sight of an entire world behind it. Wherever I was, the enviroment was gorgeous. Not too far away from where I could see was a small house, but also several animals were walking around freely. I saw chickens and even a horse. "This must be a farm," my mind concluded, still being unable to talk. There was a small road going to the small house on the other side of the window, but no one was walking that road at this moment. From all I could see, there wasn't much more else out there, the world behind the glass window. Besides the animals, the small house and the purely green grass, little was visible. Some minor instruments that were necessary to use on a farm, some haystacks near the house I was in, but besides that, nothing grabbed my interest. Despite the blurry area around my sight, I slowly started to understand that there were curtains around the window. The curtains had small figures painted on it. They looked a bit like small bears and other animals, all of them with a smiling face. "This must be a children's room," my mind muttered to me, "this surenly isn't a hospital either then."
A twitch in my left leg brought me back to reality. I was still lying in a mysterious bed and in an even more mysterious farm. "I should stand up," my mind ordered me, "I must be a bother here. Never did I ask to be brought here," my mind tried to make an explanation again. For a second, it felt like my mind was contradicting itself, first ordering me to stand up and a moment afterwards thinking of an excuse to stop me from leaving the bed. "Standing up," were the two words I forced into my mind, "that my first priority."
Turning my head, moving my hands behind me for support and then move my body weight so I can, "argh!" I could hear myself grunt. This was a different kind of grunt. It felt like someone else said it. I could hear myself grunting and breathing, but I didn't feel the pain, yet my body did and started to get weaker... and... the room is... spinning...
"Are you alright, mister?" a childish but friendly voice asked me. With a bit of force, I opened my eyes yet again, but this time it went easier and without the help of anyone. What was so hard earlier didn't seem to bother me much now. My body felt much lighter than before and it almost felt like I could move my entire body again. Without any further delay, I immediately turned my head to the right, the direction of the door. This time I saw a young blonde girl; she was sitting only a small distance away from me. She looked innocent, and if I had to guess her age, I'd probably say she was nine.
"W... where am I?" I managed to mumble as I felt my head starting to spin again when I only mentioned a single word. Like it was a reflex, my body immediately closed my eyes after I spoke a single sentence. My body obviousely couldn't handle the pressure. Whatever was wrong with me, my body could not handle stress of just about anything.
Right before I closed my eyes, I saw a little smile crossing the face of the young girl. "You're at mom's farm," she answered me. Probably because of my condition, it felt like it took minutes before she finally answered. In truth, it was nearly an immediate reaction. A second after she finished her sentence, she stretched her arm to push some of my hair out of my face to see me more clearly. I like my long hair. For years I've kept long hair because it just felt pleasantly. I pushed most of the hair backwards in a tail, but kept enough at the front to cover the sides of my face. "Are you alright now?"
"It is obvious that I am dealing with a young girl here. Someone who does not completely understand what happened," my mind started to explain to me. Suddenly a strange feeling appeared in my stomach, "but I don't know what happened either." Because the spinning of my head stopped, I opened my eyes and softly asked her if this was her room. An enthusiastic nod was all the answers I was in need of.
"I... I'll get... out," I stuttered with a soft voice while I closed my eyes again. However, despite that I said that, there was no way that I could. Still was I unable to move. If I couldn't even keep my eyes open, then leaving the room was out of the question.
"Should I bring my mother," the girl asked when she saw me struggling. Without any hesitation, she grabbed my right arm when I was trying to move it towards the place where it hurts the most: my ribs. In answer to her question, I tried to nod, but I felt energy slipping away from my body. Even nodding was something I didn't have enough strength for anymore. Before I even knew what was happening, I lost conciousness yet again.
Another twitch in my leg woke me up. This time I woke up with my head towards the window and I saw it wasn't noon anymore. The sun has set and a beautiful full moon was decorated on the clear dark sky. "Was the girl still here? This was her room," my mind shouted at me, which resulted in an immediate turn of my head. But despite that the room was darkened, the moon light brightened the path towards the door. No one was here anymore. I was alone in the room, with the moon watching over me.
"Perhaps I should try to stand up again," went through my thoughts and before I even realized what I was doing I sat up straight in the bed without suffering of any pain.
As if it was a normal movement in my condition, I turned my head back left and watched the window. "Don't they ever close the curtains?" I asked myself as a little smile appeared on my face. While I looked outside it was confirmed for me that it was truly night and that I could freely explore this giant house if I had the strength to do so. As if I still wasn't in complete control of my body, I stood up and took a final look at the window.
"A girl," I managed to say when I looked out the window. The girl, who was obviousely a teenager, was sitting against a haystack outside. She was playing a harmonica and the melody she played could even be heard in the small room I was in. The melody she played was familiar to my ears and I could not control myself to listen to it from a closer area. I quickly looked around to find some clothes and within a few seconds I found a small white shirt and some pants. Before wasting any more time, I put them on as I already started to walk towards the door of the room. Until I reached the door, I didn't realize that I got up and started to walk without any problems. Before I would weaken again, I quickly opened the old wooden door and nearly ran down the stairs as quiet as possible, hoping that I wouldn't wake anyone up.
I didn't bother to look around and nearly ignored everything I noticed. Without any thought, I did realize there was a big wooden stairs. One of them goes up and the other end goes down. Naturally, I took the one that goes down and only a few seconds later I found myself in the hallway. Everything around me was made of wood and everything looked in the same boring brown color. I didn't really notice the furniture or the flowers that were placed around, all I saw was the way towards the melody. As quiet as possible, like the way I was trained, I found my way to the final door that gave path to the world outside of the house. My body clearly didn't recover completely just yet, as I made more sound than I was used to. For years I've been trained to make moves without making any sound, but I looked like your average person right now.
The moment I felt the cold breeze against my body I noticed it. The running around was definitely taking its toll on my not-yet-recovered body and I was using nearly all my strength to keep standing. With no further hesitation, I took a step outside and pushed my back against the wooden wall, searching for a way to stand firmly. A third leg, to keep myself standing and listen to the beautiful melody the girl was making with the harmonica.
"So... familiar," I mumbled to myself. I was out of her sight and I could only barely see her from the place I accidentally put myself, but luckily, I could hear the tune very clearly. It was beautiful and so familiar to my ears. "Did I hear the full song elsewhere?" I asked myself, while I kept looking to the girl. She was repeating the same few tunes over and over, as if she can't remember the other parts of the song.
During the time I was thinking about the song, I forgot completely that my body was tired and stil injured. Strangely enough, I didn't collapse, as a matter of fact, I stood firm and it almost looked as if my body was recovering faster. "Can I move again," I asked myself, but before I could think of a proper answer to my mind, I already tried to take a step forward, leaving my 'third leg' behind. But what felt like something common now, my body and mind weren't listen to each other and I didn't move a muscle. As if that wasn't enough, it felt like I was pushing myself harder against the wall. My body even stopped breathing for a short moment.
That was the exact moment the girl stopped playing and made a loud sigh. The sigh sounded as if she was tired from playing the same melody over and over again. "Naturally," I thought to myself, "I would be annoyed as well if I like a song, but can only remember the same tune." With no further thought, I showed that I understood well enough what she meant. "That's odd," I continued, "I'm no particular fan of music."
In my bad position, I could still see a bit of what she was doing. She was bending a bit forward and it looked as if she grabbed something from the ground. However, her hands didn't move, so I guessed she was just tired. She got up again and looked at the harmonica as she sighed again. After she lifted her head again, she had a sad expression on her face as she placed the harmonica back to her lips, only to create an unwated tune. "Sighing and playing the harmonica is not a good combination," I whispered to myself, creating a small smile on my face as a result. But despite the distance she and I were, I could still see a tear she pushed away with her left hand. Quickly afterwards she took a deep breath and placed her lips against the harmonica again to produce music.
"If, and only if I could," I suddenly sang before I even realized what I was doing. My body completely ignored my mind's order of standing still and I seemed to walk towards her in a very slow pace. Suddenly I felt no pain, no fatigue and I would've believed anyone if they said I was in top shape. She was obviousely shocked that someone was there with her. She might even be more shocked that the person who was there was actually singing at the tune she was playing. It was clear that she decided to test me as she played another tune on her harmonica.
My body reacted comfortably. "If I could become immortal," I continued to sing. She immediately tried it again which I answered with the right lyrics again. "If you could see me..." but it was also the last tune she knew how to play. The tunes she repeated over and over was normally filled with those lyrics, but she probably never heard the lyrics before judged by her shocked expression. Making a gesture of 'all together now' caused her to play those few tunes after each other, in the right combination. Again, I had no control over my body as I started to sing to that melody perfectly.
"If, and only if I could...
If I could become immortal...
If you could see me..."
Unfortunaly, that was all the tunes she knew, but I knew the song and comfortably continued to sing, as if she never stopped. This time it was without any music, but that obviousely didn't stop me.
"If, and only if you could see me...
We would stay together...
In an eternal life...
A life filled with happiness and joy...
A life of immortality...
A life of immortality..."
I kept approaching her as I sang the song. When I mentioned the last line of the song, I was at a close distance. I looked at her with a friendly smile. The smile appeared on my face the second I stopped singing. "'If', from the Eyes of the Empire," I told her, without removing the smile from my face.
Her eyes sparkled. She was probably waiting for someone to know the lyrics of the song, someone that could learn her the other tunes of the song she thought was so beautiful. It never occured to me that I was singing a song that I normally wouldn't sing. I wasn't even sure if I heard the complete song before. The short haired girl looked like she was ready to thank me in almost every way, but the question who I was could easily be read in her eyes. It could not be denied, the first question she asked was who I am.
But the moment she asked, I asked her the same question. A small laugh came out of us as she made a somewhat more stern face, answering:
The moment she asked, I decided to question her with the same words. A small but careful laugh of us both was the result of the similar question at the same time. Without any further delay, the smiling expression changed on the light brown haired girl as she got a somewhat more stern face. As she looked me straight in the eyes, she finally answered:
"I'm Claes."
After asking the exact same question at the very same moment, we both surprised each other a bit. The short blonde hair of the teenaged girl fell a bit forward and covered her face a bit. Without hesitating for a second, she immediately pushed the few hairs away with her free hand. I'm not even sure if she noticed that some hairs fell forward, but she wanted direct eye contact with me for some reason. It must be the shock. It was also obvious that the girl did not expect to hear a similar question from me. As if that wasn't enough of a shock, I also sang on the melody she played. Her beautiful blue eyes that sparkled at that moment were nowhere to be found now. They looked somewhat cold now, unsure what to do when she had a complete stranger in front of her. But that sparkle in her eyes was a sight that should be treasured and never forgotten. Seeing someone that excited and happy at the same time is a rare sight.
Fortunately her shocked state quickly disappeared and a small smile crossed her face instead. Those eyes that looked so cold at me disappeared immediately too, as if I completely imagined it. The change of her expression was a big relief for me. Never has it been my intention to surprise her as I did, but it felt as if I lost complete control of my body.
As I kept looking at her, it made me feel a bit strange. "If I could not see her face, I probably would have been convinced she was a guy," my mind softly spoke to me again. Her dirt-like blonde hair was cut short and she didn't look very feminine to me at all. However, her face immediately discarded that thought.
"I'm Claes," she suddenly replied to my question after a moment of silence. A more stern expression has taken over her smiling face when she finally decided to answer my question. Her sudden answer caught me a bit off guard and I suddenly started to notice the pain between my ribs again. As a result of that pain, my vision became blurry again and I felt the world spinning again.
"Am I still not in the condition to walk?" My mind questioned my body, as if they decided to work together for once since I've been on this farm. Her beautiful melody she played on the harmonica made me forget the pain for a second and if I didn't know any better, I would also that it gave me the strength to walk towards her and perhaps even sing. However, it is possible that it just distracted me. The sudden answer caught me completely off guard and brought my mind back to reality, and that reality was suffering from the pain between my ribs.
"Kneeling in front of her because of the pain isn't my idea of an impressive introduction," was what I managed to think off as I tried to remain to stand straight. I straightened my back, forced a friendly smile on my face and finally I moved my lips.
"Claes?" I repeated her name, "that isn't a fitting name for such a girl like you," I managed to say, making sure to make it sound like a compliment instead of an insult. Though the words came out right, I felt that I was using more effort to remain standing while I talked. It was as if I had to divide my strength in my body to specific places and I had no energy to spare to talk with. I was also afraid that I would insult her by saying that her name wasn't very feminine. Luckily I noticed that there was nothing to be afraid of at all. She didn't look insulted at all as yet another smile crossed her face, showing that she didn't mind my comment at all. She crawled up and made an even broader smile on her face. She was quite pretty when she laughed like this. Despite you would confuse her with a guy if you wouldn't see her face, she had a beautiful face. Even her clothes didn't look very feminine.
"My parents couldn't decide on a name," she finally spoke after crawling up from the ground. "Besides, they wanted a son instead of a daughter," she continued her explanation. The smile never left her face as she explained her name to me. "But," she quickly added to her last sentence, "you still haven't answered my question."
"Couldn't they just have kept going until they had a boy?" is what I originally wanted to say. But I quickly removed the thought from my head; I didn't know her well enough to say something like that. "My name?" I answered calmly to her question, trying not to fall because of the sudden pressure of speaking. "Not here!" my mind shouted at my body, "I cannot lose consciousness in a conversation in..." my mind couldn't finish its sentence as it didn't where the body was at. For a second I felt like a comic book figure, where the body and mind are not related to each other.
"Uh... are you...?" that was all I heard before I felt my muscles weaken inside of me and it was only a matter of seconds until my legs decided to do the same thing. My legs stopped supporting my body and I crumbled to the ground, not seeing and not hearing anything that happened around me.
"Uh... sir are you..." was the last thing I heard before I suddenly saw the window where I could overlook the farm from again. "The room of the little girl" came to mind, as I managed to look the other side, the side of the old wooden door. "But yet again I could feel wet spots on my face. As if I was placed in the rain and-..." my thoughts were cruely interupted by a sudden flash of lightning. I quickly turned my head back to the window because of the sudden flash. Thanks to the hard rain, the furious lightning and dark clouds, I was not able to tell if it was morning, noon, evening or night, whichever it was, I was awake.
"Those words of Claes really did sound worried," were the thoughts that woke me up. I opened my eyes when I noticed that my body was able to, and again I saw the glass window, leaving me in the bed with only the world to see. "The room of the little girl," came to mind as I managed to look at the other side of the room, the side of the old wooden door, which I passed once. Again I felt wet spots on my face. As if I was placed in the rain.
My thoughts were cruely interupted by a sudden flash of lightning, which apparently was close by, as there was no warning. Without any warning from myself either, I quickly turned my head towards the window again, still seeing a bit of the flash of light. As a result of the pouring rain that smashed against the window, the furious lightning that never seemed to stop and the dark clouds I was not able to tell if it was morning, noon, evening or even night. Whichever it was, I was awake.
Being more calm because of the lightning, I decided to turn my head back to the right side. The side where the door was located. It felt like someone could come in at any moment as I looked at the now dark door. It almost seemed as if someone was standing against the door, even though no sign showed that anyone was there. Something just told me that somebody was there.
"Could it be Claes?" I asked myself, "or perhaps it is that little girl? This is her room after all," my mind started to rush again, giving me a headache. I only met two people so far, it was the Claes, the girl with tomboyish look and the innocent looking young girl. That wasn't much, but I couldn't remember much from before I got on this farm either. Thinking hard of the past gave me a big headache. It was not surprising, for some kind of reason, I was heavily injured. "Thinking intensively isn't good for any kind of recovery, I guess," I thought to myself. There wasn't much I could remember about myself either, which I thought was odd. I remembered being a talented warrior and being trained in the arts of speed and even a bit of sneaking; but I was no thief. As my mind travelled a bit, I came back with the thoughts of Claes at every time; the girl with the weird name. "Actually," my mind started to work again, this time not only making me dizzy, but also making me tired, "I know very little about her. Besides her name and that she can play harmonica, there isn't anything I know about her." As I tried to think of anything else about her, the younger girl and my own past, I slowly drifted off to sleep.
"I'm being careful!" were the first words I heard when I woke up. This time I wasn't in a good condition like the earlier times I woke up. As a matter of fact, I felt quite bad. "I know it's still hot, so I'll be careful!"
"Another girl?" I thought to myself. "I already met Claes and the little girl, but none of their voices matched the one I heard shouting."
Before I could think of anything else, I made a little effort of opening up my eyes. This obviousely wasn't the best idea I've ever had. As my eyes started moving, the girl who was apparently sitting in front of me made a loud pitched scream and yelled: "Don't look!" and a painful hit followed me afterwards in my face. The punch was more than enough that to send back to the dream world. Before I was knocked out, I did manage to a very little-clothed girl in front of me. She was probably of a similar age as myself.
"For all I know, it was Claes who has a cold," after all, I didn't know how long I've been out cold all the time. It could be minutes or hours, but it could just as well be days, months if not years. But that was a bit extreme. unfortunately, after the hit in my face, I lost my conciousness again.
With a loud grunt I woke up. This time I woke up while watching the window and I saw the sun shining on my face. It was clear to me that it was day time; nice for a change. "It is starting to get a trusted feeling after seeing it this often," my mind started to work again and a little smile appeared on my face, "with only the moon watching over me during the night and the sun while its still daytime, I felt quite safe. Sometimes there was a little rain for a variation, but it was giving a trusted feeling."
The smile didn't disappear from my face when I heard some birds sing and fly around outside. Suddenly I envied their freedom, but it was only a matter of time until my body healed. If I couldn't be saved, they never would have bothered. After all, my body was slowly recovering. The first time I woke up I was unable to do anything. Now I can already speak, move and even think without getting shots of headache. "I'm sure I can stand up," I spoke to myself out loud, "but I don't think I can walk much." Because it was still tiresome to talk, I kept everything just in my thoughts. "I should move. Every movement is a little bit of work to get back into shape." A healthy smile appeared on my face upon that thought. I nodded to myself and tried to crawl up.
While I was making an effort of getting up, I heard an old door opening. As if it was a reflex, I immediately looked at my own door, which remained closed. It was probably the door of the room next to me. When I left the room, I noticed this room was placed in a hallway with two more other rooms. The room I was in, was closest to the stairs.
As I was thinking about the room next to me, I heard some mumblings of a conversation. One of the voices did sound familiar. I was confident in saying that it was a guy and a girl in that room and they weren't talking with a friendly tone towards each other. I tried to hold my breath every few seconds to listen better to what those person were saying.
"Claes, did that boy already woke up once?" the male voice said. I clearly heard the name of Claes when he said that sentence, confirming my thought of hearing a familiar voice. 'That boy' he referred to would probably be me.
I raised my left arm as I started to count on my fingers. "Now," I started talking to myself again, "how many people have I met now? The little girl, Claes, the girl that hit me and now this voice." A confused look overcame me for a minute. "That's odd. Three girls and only one guy. There is also supposed to be a mother according to the youngest girl. But I haven't met her yet," I mumbled to myself as I tried to listen to the other parts of the conversation between Claes and that guy again.
"No," I heard Claes say strictly, "after Caitlin said he woke up and wanted to get out and Laura punched him, he hasn't woke up yet."
This got me a bit confused. "Have I dreamt about meeting Claes?" I asked myself, "or doesn't she want to say it?"
"Have you seen any difference in his condition, Alex?" Claes added to her last sentence and also letting me know that the guy's name is Alex.
"At least they have a son," I thought to myself with a small smile on my face. "I wonder if Claes was an accident," I continued to mumble. Soon afterwards I got quiet again to hear Alex's reaction to the words of Claes.
"No," I heard the rough voice of Alex this time. "Caitlin isn't letting me into her room, remember?" The walls were obviousely quite thin as I heard the rough voice of the man sigh. "Even with someone else being there now, she doesn't let me. Not since I broke her aquarium."
I heard a slapping sound as a reply to what Alex said. "Of course," I heard Claes again, "how could I forget." However, the way she made it sound was like she was annoyed by him saying that. It was like she wasn't interested in what Alex said at all.
From that moment I didn't have to be careful with my breathing style anymore. Without a warning, Alex started to shout, which could easily be heard throughout the entire house.
"Of course you forgot!" I heard him start his rush of shouting. "When are you home to notice?" The way Alex was shouting, it felt like he was getting furious at her. "I don't where you are always hanging out, but it looks like as if you're trying to avoid your father and me!" The way he shouted was loud enough for me to hear. Without thinking twice, I felt my body standing up again and walk towards the door. I was using every object in the way to keep standing to use it as a support. Like a third leg, something I already tried out earlier when I met Claes. It took only a few seconds until I reached the door, but in my condition, it felt like it took an eternity. I still heard Alex shout at her, and for some reason, that motivated me to go on. Why it motivated me never occured to me at that moment.
But no matter how much I wanted to help Claes, I only saw a quick sight of this hallway before. I just had to follow the shouts of Alex and try to figure out where it comes from.
The sound came from where I thought it would come from. Right next to my room. There was another room next to that one, but I heard that the sound didn't come from there. The hallway was quite broad and it was made of beautiful wood. For a wooden house, it looked like a masterpiece.
Despite that the room was only a few seconds walk from the little girl's room, who was apparently called Caitlin, it looked as if I was taking a long time to reach the room of Claes. I was relieved when I finally rested my hand on the doorknob. I realized that my energy was slipping away from my body and I use nearly all of my remaining strength to turn the firm doorknob to open the door. But even though my first try failed, a second turn seemed to do the trick. With my weight, I pushed the wooden door wide open. Immediately did I see the guy named Alex and behind him the only girl I really met: Claes.
I quickly placed my hands on the side of the wall, in case I would lose my balance and fall to the ground again. This time I learned from my mistakes. Just like what happened when I met Claes.
What I expected was a young teenager, but I was wrong. Very, very wrong. The man who was standing me was more than a full head taller tahn me and his body resembled a bear. His bald head, overgrown muscles, incredible size and tan made him look like a man that you really wouldn't want to get against you. I wasn't the weakest guy around, despite that I depend mostly on my speed during combat, but I wasn't like him. He looked as if he won several contests of 'strongest man of the world' or something.
I noticed Claes standing behind the giant in front of me and saw her looking just as surprised as Alex. However, in opposite of Alex, she had a small sign of just being slapped. This made something inside me snap. Injured or not, it was enough to refill me with enough energy to stand up properly and have a good talk with this bear here.
Alex's bended his back a bit and looked down on me. He was a lot taller than me, after all. A grin appeared on his face as he slowly started to move his lips and started to approach me, looking further down every time he took a step forward. "Who might ye' be, lil' man?"
After a long time of what I can remember, I felt fear coming up in my body...
Comments are still welcome.

Chapter I
"Rain? Is that what I felt? Those sudden drops that fell from out of nowhere; is it rain? I must see it myself... but why... why are my eyes so heavy? Perhaps more importantly, why does my chest hurt so much?" all kind of thoughts floated through my mind. "It was exactly the part between my ribs. It was as if someone or something managed to outclass me in speed during combat and placed a fresh blade between my ribs," I immediately discarded that thought. No one can outclass me in speed, no human, no creature, nothing can. Not in battle. "But," my thoughts continued, as if it was trying to find an explanation for everything, "but why does it hurt?"
Another wet drop fell on my face, breaking my concentration of the pain between my ribs and also distracting me of the suffering. "What are those wet drops," my mind asked myself, as if it was waiting for a proper answer. "It must be rain," I suddenly concluded, "despite that I can't see, I must be outside," my thoughts continued to search for an logical explanation. That explanation was nearly immediately declared false as I felt that the place I was lying felt soft to my body. It was obvious that it was a bed. "I cannot recall being brought inside," if I could open my eyes, I probably would have blinked with my eyes twice, a habit I had when I was confused about something, "as a matter of fact, I cannot even remember what I was doing. Besides that, I-..." my thoughts were cruely interupted when I could hear a young girl call her mother. Out of pure shock and surprise, all the pain I was suffering from disappeared and my body opened its eyes and rotated my head to the place where the sound came from. The second shock I got was the logical explanation of the wet drops that fell on my face. What I first thought was rain, was something I would never have imagined. It was something a real warrior, someone like myself, would never do. The wet drops flew from my face on the soft pillow where my head was resting on, as my mind made a conclusion of what I saw: "Tears?"
"Mom!" a loud voice echoed through the house again. "The man woke up!" I could hear the girl shout as the sound got softer every passing second, meaning that she was walking away from the room I was in. Not that I even cared about it, I was more interested in the tears that flew from my face.
"Those tears," my mind started to question me again, "are those mine?" I could feel the wet drops on my face and logic would say it were my tears, but something inside me couldn't believe that they were my tears. "Why would I cry?"
While I kept looking blankly in front of me, I saw the wooden door at the end of the room. The old wooden door was closed. The girl who ran out of the room probably closed the door when she saw me waking up. "How long have I been asleep?"
While I kept looking at the door, I slowly started to understand that it was not me who was crying. My eyes were dry, my sight wasn't one big blur, but salt-water rolled down my face, as if I just lost the most precious thing, the most important person to me in the world. My sight remained at the place the door was located, hoping that it would open again. "But if the door opens again, who would step through? Where am I? Who was the shouting girl?" All kind of questions kept floating through my mind. I felt unsure at this place, I wasn't even sure where I was at and what I was doing here. All I knew was that I kept hearing the girl shout for her mother and running through the house. Ignoring the breathing, I could hear every step she made, but slowly and eventually the sound dissipated and I could hear soft mumbling voices. There was no challenge in guessing what they were mumbling about. The girl shouted earlier that "the man opened his eyes," so they must have been talking about me now. Unless that there were more unknown men in this house and it was a hospital, but that didn't seem likely.
For the first time I remembered, I turned my head towards the other side of the room. All I saw on the right side was the door, for some reason everything around it was one giant blur. As I turned my head, I saw a ceilling of a similar material as the door. When I finally turned my head right, I saw a closed window that gave me the sight of an entire world behind it. Wherever I was, the enviroment was gorgeous. Not too far away from where I could see was a small house, but also several animals were walking around freely. I saw chickens and even a horse. "This must be a farm," my mind concluded, still being unable to talk. There was a small road going to the small house on the other side of the window, but no one was walking that road at this moment. From all I could see, there wasn't much more else out there, the world behind the glass window. Besides the animals, the small house and the purely green grass, little was visible. Some minor instruments that were necessary to use on a farm, some haystacks near the house I was in, but besides that, nothing grabbed my interest. Despite the blurry area around my sight, I slowly started to understand that there were curtains around the window. The curtains had small figures painted on it. They looked a bit like small bears and other animals, all of them with a smiling face. "This must be a children's room," my mind muttered to me, "this surenly isn't a hospital either then."
A twitch in my left leg brought me back to reality. I was still lying in a mysterious bed and in an even more mysterious farm. "I should stand up," my mind ordered me, "I must be a bother here. Never did I ask to be brought here," my mind tried to make an explanation again. For a second, it felt like my mind was contradicting itself, first ordering me to stand up and a moment afterwards thinking of an excuse to stop me from leaving the bed. "Standing up," were the two words I forced into my mind, "that my first priority."
Turning my head, moving my hands behind me for support and then move my body weight so I can, "argh!" I could hear myself grunt. This was a different kind of grunt. It felt like someone else said it. I could hear myself grunting and breathing, but I didn't feel the pain, yet my body did and started to get weaker... and... the room is... spinning...
"Are you alright, mister?" a childish but friendly voice asked me. With a bit of force, I opened my eyes yet again, but this time it went easier and without the help of anyone. What was so hard earlier didn't seem to bother me much now. My body felt much lighter than before and it almost felt like I could move my entire body again. Without any further delay, I immediately turned my head to the right, the direction of the door. This time I saw a young blonde girl; she was sitting only a small distance away from me. She looked innocent, and if I had to guess her age, I'd probably say she was nine.
"W... where am I?" I managed to mumble as I felt my head starting to spin again when I only mentioned a single word. Like it was a reflex, my body immediately closed my eyes after I spoke a single sentence. My body obviousely couldn't handle the pressure. Whatever was wrong with me, my body could not handle stress of just about anything.
Right before I closed my eyes, I saw a little smile crossing the face of the young girl. "You're at mom's farm," she answered me. Probably because of my condition, it felt like it took minutes before she finally answered. In truth, it was nearly an immediate reaction. A second after she finished her sentence, she stretched her arm to push some of my hair out of my face to see me more clearly. I like my long hair. For years I've kept long hair because it just felt pleasantly. I pushed most of the hair backwards in a tail, but kept enough at the front to cover the sides of my face. "Are you alright now?"
"It is obvious that I am dealing with a young girl here. Someone who does not completely understand what happened," my mind started to explain to me. Suddenly a strange feeling appeared in my stomach, "but I don't know what happened either." Because the spinning of my head stopped, I opened my eyes and softly asked her if this was her room. An enthusiastic nod was all the answers I was in need of.
"I... I'll get... out," I stuttered with a soft voice while I closed my eyes again. However, despite that I said that, there was no way that I could. Still was I unable to move. If I couldn't even keep my eyes open, then leaving the room was out of the question.
"Should I bring my mother," the girl asked when she saw me struggling. Without any hesitation, she grabbed my right arm when I was trying to move it towards the place where it hurts the most: my ribs. In answer to her question, I tried to nod, but I felt energy slipping away from my body. Even nodding was something I didn't have enough strength for anymore. Before I even knew what was happening, I lost conciousness yet again.
Another twitch in my leg woke me up. This time I woke up with my head towards the window and I saw it wasn't noon anymore. The sun has set and a beautiful full moon was decorated on the clear dark sky. "Was the girl still here? This was her room," my mind shouted at me, which resulted in an immediate turn of my head. But despite that the room was darkened, the moon light brightened the path towards the door. No one was here anymore. I was alone in the room, with the moon watching over me.
"Perhaps I should try to stand up again," went through my thoughts and before I even realized what I was doing I sat up straight in the bed without suffering of any pain.
As if it was a normal movement in my condition, I turned my head back left and watched the window. "Don't they ever close the curtains?" I asked myself as a little smile appeared on my face. While I looked outside it was confirmed for me that it was truly night and that I could freely explore this giant house if I had the strength to do so. As if I still wasn't in complete control of my body, I stood up and took a final look at the window.
"A girl," I managed to say when I looked out the window. The girl, who was obviousely a teenager, was sitting against a haystack outside. She was playing a harmonica and the melody she played could even be heard in the small room I was in. The melody she played was familiar to my ears and I could not control myself to listen to it from a closer area. I quickly looked around to find some clothes and within a few seconds I found a small white shirt and some pants. Before wasting any more time, I put them on as I already started to walk towards the door of the room. Until I reached the door, I didn't realize that I got up and started to walk without any problems. Before I would weaken again, I quickly opened the old wooden door and nearly ran down the stairs as quiet as possible, hoping that I wouldn't wake anyone up.
I didn't bother to look around and nearly ignored everything I noticed. Without any thought, I did realize there was a big wooden stairs. One of them goes up and the other end goes down. Naturally, I took the one that goes down and only a few seconds later I found myself in the hallway. Everything around me was made of wood and everything looked in the same boring brown color. I didn't really notice the furniture or the flowers that were placed around, all I saw was the way towards the melody. As quiet as possible, like the way I was trained, I found my way to the final door that gave path to the world outside of the house. My body clearly didn't recover completely just yet, as I made more sound than I was used to. For years I've been trained to make moves without making any sound, but I looked like your average person right now.
The moment I felt the cold breeze against my body I noticed it. The running around was definitely taking its toll on my not-yet-recovered body and I was using nearly all my strength to keep standing. With no further hesitation, I took a step outside and pushed my back against the wooden wall, searching for a way to stand firmly. A third leg, to keep myself standing and listen to the beautiful melody the girl was making with the harmonica.
"So... familiar," I mumbled to myself. I was out of her sight and I could only barely see her from the place I accidentally put myself, but luckily, I could hear the tune very clearly. It was beautiful and so familiar to my ears. "Did I hear the full song elsewhere?" I asked myself, while I kept looking to the girl. She was repeating the same few tunes over and over, as if she can't remember the other parts of the song.
During the time I was thinking about the song, I forgot completely that my body was tired and stil injured. Strangely enough, I didn't collapse, as a matter of fact, I stood firm and it almost looked as if my body was recovering faster. "Can I move again," I asked myself, but before I could think of a proper answer to my mind, I already tried to take a step forward, leaving my 'third leg' behind. But what felt like something common now, my body and mind weren't listen to each other and I didn't move a muscle. As if that wasn't enough, it felt like I was pushing myself harder against the wall. My body even stopped breathing for a short moment.
That was the exact moment the girl stopped playing and made a loud sigh. The sigh sounded as if she was tired from playing the same melody over and over again. "Naturally," I thought to myself, "I would be annoyed as well if I like a song, but can only remember the same tune." With no further thought, I showed that I understood well enough what she meant. "That's odd," I continued, "I'm no particular fan of music."
In my bad position, I could still see a bit of what she was doing. She was bending a bit forward and it looked as if she grabbed something from the ground. However, her hands didn't move, so I guessed she was just tired. She got up again and looked at the harmonica as she sighed again. After she lifted her head again, she had a sad expression on her face as she placed the harmonica back to her lips, only to create an unwated tune. "Sighing and playing the harmonica is not a good combination," I whispered to myself, creating a small smile on my face as a result. But despite the distance she and I were, I could still see a tear she pushed away with her left hand. Quickly afterwards she took a deep breath and placed her lips against the harmonica again to produce music.
"If, and only if I could," I suddenly sang before I even realized what I was doing. My body completely ignored my mind's order of standing still and I seemed to walk towards her in a very slow pace. Suddenly I felt no pain, no fatigue and I would've believed anyone if they said I was in top shape. She was obviousely shocked that someone was there with her. She might even be more shocked that the person who was there was actually singing at the tune she was playing. It was clear that she decided to test me as she played another tune on her harmonica.
My body reacted comfortably. "If I could become immortal," I continued to sing. She immediately tried it again which I answered with the right lyrics again. "If you could see me..." but it was also the last tune she knew how to play. The tunes she repeated over and over was normally filled with those lyrics, but she probably never heard the lyrics before judged by her shocked expression. Making a gesture of 'all together now' caused her to play those few tunes after each other, in the right combination. Again, I had no control over my body as I started to sing to that melody perfectly.
"If, and only if I could...
If I could become immortal...
If you could see me..."
Unfortunaly, that was all the tunes she knew, but I knew the song and comfortably continued to sing, as if she never stopped. This time it was without any music, but that obviousely didn't stop me.
"If, and only if you could see me...
We would stay together...
In an eternal life...
A life filled with happiness and joy...
A life of immortality...
A life of immortality..."
I kept approaching her as I sang the song. When I mentioned the last line of the song, I was at a close distance. I looked at her with a friendly smile. The smile appeared on my face the second I stopped singing. "'If', from the Eyes of the Empire," I told her, without removing the smile from my face.
Her eyes sparkled. She was probably waiting for someone to know the lyrics of the song, someone that could learn her the other tunes of the song she thought was so beautiful. It never occured to me that I was singing a song that I normally wouldn't sing. I wasn't even sure if I heard the complete song before. The short haired girl looked like she was ready to thank me in almost every way, but the question who I was could easily be read in her eyes. It could not be denied, the first question she asked was who I am.
But the moment she asked, I asked her the same question. A small laugh came out of us as she made a somewhat more stern face, answering:
The moment she asked, I decided to question her with the same words. A small but careful laugh of us both was the result of the similar question at the same time. Without any further delay, the smiling expression changed on the light brown haired girl as she got a somewhat more stern face. As she looked me straight in the eyes, she finally answered:
"I'm Claes."
--- --- ---
Chapter II
After asking the exact same question at the very same moment, we both surprised each other a bit. The short blonde hair of the teenaged girl fell a bit forward and covered her face a bit. Without hesitating for a second, she immediately pushed the few hairs away with her free hand. I'm not even sure if she noticed that some hairs fell forward, but she wanted direct eye contact with me for some reason. It must be the shock. It was also obvious that the girl did not expect to hear a similar question from me. As if that wasn't enough of a shock, I also sang on the melody she played. Her beautiful blue eyes that sparkled at that moment were nowhere to be found now. They looked somewhat cold now, unsure what to do when she had a complete stranger in front of her. But that sparkle in her eyes was a sight that should be treasured and never forgotten. Seeing someone that excited and happy at the same time is a rare sight.
Fortunately her shocked state quickly disappeared and a small smile crossed her face instead. Those eyes that looked so cold at me disappeared immediately too, as if I completely imagined it. The change of her expression was a big relief for me. Never has it been my intention to surprise her as I did, but it felt as if I lost complete control of my body.
As I kept looking at her, it made me feel a bit strange. "If I could not see her face, I probably would have been convinced she was a guy," my mind softly spoke to me again. Her dirt-like blonde hair was cut short and she didn't look very feminine to me at all. However, her face immediately discarded that thought.
"I'm Claes," she suddenly replied to my question after a moment of silence. A more stern expression has taken over her smiling face when she finally decided to answer my question. Her sudden answer caught me a bit off guard and I suddenly started to notice the pain between my ribs again. As a result of that pain, my vision became blurry again and I felt the world spinning again.
"Am I still not in the condition to walk?" My mind questioned my body, as if they decided to work together for once since I've been on this farm. Her beautiful melody she played on the harmonica made me forget the pain for a second and if I didn't know any better, I would also that it gave me the strength to walk towards her and perhaps even sing. However, it is possible that it just distracted me. The sudden answer caught me completely off guard and brought my mind back to reality, and that reality was suffering from the pain between my ribs.
"Kneeling in front of her because of the pain isn't my idea of an impressive introduction," was what I managed to think off as I tried to remain to stand straight. I straightened my back, forced a friendly smile on my face and finally I moved my lips.
"Claes?" I repeated her name, "that isn't a fitting name for such a girl like you," I managed to say, making sure to make it sound like a compliment instead of an insult. Though the words came out right, I felt that I was using more effort to remain standing while I talked. It was as if I had to divide my strength in my body to specific places and I had no energy to spare to talk with. I was also afraid that I would insult her by saying that her name wasn't very feminine. Luckily I noticed that there was nothing to be afraid of at all. She didn't look insulted at all as yet another smile crossed her face, showing that she didn't mind my comment at all. She crawled up and made an even broader smile on her face. She was quite pretty when she laughed like this. Despite you would confuse her with a guy if you wouldn't see her face, she had a beautiful face. Even her clothes didn't look very feminine.
"My parents couldn't decide on a name," she finally spoke after crawling up from the ground. "Besides, they wanted a son instead of a daughter," she continued her explanation. The smile never left her face as she explained her name to me. "But," she quickly added to her last sentence, "you still haven't answered my question."
"Couldn't they just have kept going until they had a boy?" is what I originally wanted to say. But I quickly removed the thought from my head; I didn't know her well enough to say something like that. "My name?" I answered calmly to her question, trying not to fall because of the sudden pressure of speaking. "Not here!" my mind shouted at my body, "I cannot lose consciousness in a conversation in..." my mind couldn't finish its sentence as it didn't where the body was at. For a second I felt like a comic book figure, where the body and mind are not related to each other.
"Uh... are you...?" that was all I heard before I felt my muscles weaken inside of me and it was only a matter of seconds until my legs decided to do the same thing. My legs stopped supporting my body and I crumbled to the ground, not seeing and not hearing anything that happened around me.
"Uh... sir are you..." was the last thing I heard before I suddenly saw the window where I could overlook the farm from again. "The room of the little girl" came to mind, as I managed to look the other side, the side of the old wooden door. "But yet again I could feel wet spots on my face. As if I was placed in the rain and-..." my thoughts were cruely interupted by a sudden flash of lightning. I quickly turned my head back to the window because of the sudden flash. Thanks to the hard rain, the furious lightning and dark clouds, I was not able to tell if it was morning, noon, evening or night, whichever it was, I was awake.
"Those words of Claes really did sound worried," were the thoughts that woke me up. I opened my eyes when I noticed that my body was able to, and again I saw the glass window, leaving me in the bed with only the world to see. "The room of the little girl," came to mind as I managed to look at the other side of the room, the side of the old wooden door, which I passed once. Again I felt wet spots on my face. As if I was placed in the rain.
My thoughts were cruely interupted by a sudden flash of lightning, which apparently was close by, as there was no warning. Without any warning from myself either, I quickly turned my head towards the window again, still seeing a bit of the flash of light. As a result of the pouring rain that smashed against the window, the furious lightning that never seemed to stop and the dark clouds I was not able to tell if it was morning, noon, evening or even night. Whichever it was, I was awake.
Being more calm because of the lightning, I decided to turn my head back to the right side. The side where the door was located. It felt like someone could come in at any moment as I looked at the now dark door. It almost seemed as if someone was standing against the door, even though no sign showed that anyone was there. Something just told me that somebody was there.
"Could it be Claes?" I asked myself, "or perhaps it is that little girl? This is her room after all," my mind started to rush again, giving me a headache. I only met two people so far, it was the Claes, the girl with tomboyish look and the innocent looking young girl. That wasn't much, but I couldn't remember much from before I got on this farm either. Thinking hard of the past gave me a big headache. It was not surprising, for some kind of reason, I was heavily injured. "Thinking intensively isn't good for any kind of recovery, I guess," I thought to myself. There wasn't much I could remember about myself either, which I thought was odd. I remembered being a talented warrior and being trained in the arts of speed and even a bit of sneaking; but I was no thief. As my mind travelled a bit, I came back with the thoughts of Claes at every time; the girl with the weird name. "Actually," my mind started to work again, this time not only making me dizzy, but also making me tired, "I know very little about her. Besides her name and that she can play harmonica, there isn't anything I know about her." As I tried to think of anything else about her, the younger girl and my own past, I slowly drifted off to sleep.
"I'm being careful!" were the first words I heard when I woke up. This time I wasn't in a good condition like the earlier times I woke up. As a matter of fact, I felt quite bad. "I know it's still hot, so I'll be careful!"
"Another girl?" I thought to myself. "I already met Claes and the little girl, but none of their voices matched the one I heard shouting."
Before I could think of anything else, I made a little effort of opening up my eyes. This obviousely wasn't the best idea I've ever had. As my eyes started moving, the girl who was apparently sitting in front of me made a loud pitched scream and yelled: "Don't look!" and a painful hit followed me afterwards in my face. The punch was more than enough that to send back to the dream world. Before I was knocked out, I did manage to a very little-clothed girl in front of me. She was probably of a similar age as myself.
"For all I know, it was Claes who has a cold," after all, I didn't know how long I've been out cold all the time. It could be minutes or hours, but it could just as well be days, months if not years. But that was a bit extreme. unfortunately, after the hit in my face, I lost my conciousness again.
With a loud grunt I woke up. This time I woke up while watching the window and I saw the sun shining on my face. It was clear to me that it was day time; nice for a change. "It is starting to get a trusted feeling after seeing it this often," my mind started to work again and a little smile appeared on my face, "with only the moon watching over me during the night and the sun while its still daytime, I felt quite safe. Sometimes there was a little rain for a variation, but it was giving a trusted feeling."
The smile didn't disappear from my face when I heard some birds sing and fly around outside. Suddenly I envied their freedom, but it was only a matter of time until my body healed. If I couldn't be saved, they never would have bothered. After all, my body was slowly recovering. The first time I woke up I was unable to do anything. Now I can already speak, move and even think without getting shots of headache. "I'm sure I can stand up," I spoke to myself out loud, "but I don't think I can walk much." Because it was still tiresome to talk, I kept everything just in my thoughts. "I should move. Every movement is a little bit of work to get back into shape." A healthy smile appeared on my face upon that thought. I nodded to myself and tried to crawl up.
While I was making an effort of getting up, I heard an old door opening. As if it was a reflex, I immediately looked at my own door, which remained closed. It was probably the door of the room next to me. When I left the room, I noticed this room was placed in a hallway with two more other rooms. The room I was in, was closest to the stairs.
As I was thinking about the room next to me, I heard some mumblings of a conversation. One of the voices did sound familiar. I was confident in saying that it was a guy and a girl in that room and they weren't talking with a friendly tone towards each other. I tried to hold my breath every few seconds to listen better to what those person were saying.
"Claes, did that boy already woke up once?" the male voice said. I clearly heard the name of Claes when he said that sentence, confirming my thought of hearing a familiar voice. 'That boy' he referred to would probably be me.
I raised my left arm as I started to count on my fingers. "Now," I started talking to myself again, "how many people have I met now? The little girl, Claes, the girl that hit me and now this voice." A confused look overcame me for a minute. "That's odd. Three girls and only one guy. There is also supposed to be a mother according to the youngest girl. But I haven't met her yet," I mumbled to myself as I tried to listen to the other parts of the conversation between Claes and that guy again.
"No," I heard Claes say strictly, "after Caitlin said he woke up and wanted to get out and Laura punched him, he hasn't woke up yet."
This got me a bit confused. "Have I dreamt about meeting Claes?" I asked myself, "or doesn't she want to say it?"
"Have you seen any difference in his condition, Alex?" Claes added to her last sentence and also letting me know that the guy's name is Alex.
"At least they have a son," I thought to myself with a small smile on my face. "I wonder if Claes was an accident," I continued to mumble. Soon afterwards I got quiet again to hear Alex's reaction to the words of Claes.
"No," I heard the rough voice of Alex this time. "Caitlin isn't letting me into her room, remember?" The walls were obviousely quite thin as I heard the rough voice of the man sigh. "Even with someone else being there now, she doesn't let me. Not since I broke her aquarium."
I heard a slapping sound as a reply to what Alex said. "Of course," I heard Claes again, "how could I forget." However, the way she made it sound was like she was annoyed by him saying that. It was like she wasn't interested in what Alex said at all.
From that moment I didn't have to be careful with my breathing style anymore. Without a warning, Alex started to shout, which could easily be heard throughout the entire house.
"Of course you forgot!" I heard him start his rush of shouting. "When are you home to notice?" The way Alex was shouting, it felt like he was getting furious at her. "I don't where you are always hanging out, but it looks like as if you're trying to avoid your father and me!" The way he shouted was loud enough for me to hear. Without thinking twice, I felt my body standing up again and walk towards the door. I was using every object in the way to keep standing to use it as a support. Like a third leg, something I already tried out earlier when I met Claes. It took only a few seconds until I reached the door, but in my condition, it felt like it took an eternity. I still heard Alex shout at her, and for some reason, that motivated me to go on. Why it motivated me never occured to me at that moment.
But no matter how much I wanted to help Claes, I only saw a quick sight of this hallway before. I just had to follow the shouts of Alex and try to figure out where it comes from.
The sound came from where I thought it would come from. Right next to my room. There was another room next to that one, but I heard that the sound didn't come from there. The hallway was quite broad and it was made of beautiful wood. For a wooden house, it looked like a masterpiece.
Despite that the room was only a few seconds walk from the little girl's room, who was apparently called Caitlin, it looked as if I was taking a long time to reach the room of Claes. I was relieved when I finally rested my hand on the doorknob. I realized that my energy was slipping away from my body and I use nearly all of my remaining strength to turn the firm doorknob to open the door. But even though my first try failed, a second turn seemed to do the trick. With my weight, I pushed the wooden door wide open. Immediately did I see the guy named Alex and behind him the only girl I really met: Claes.
I quickly placed my hands on the side of the wall, in case I would lose my balance and fall to the ground again. This time I learned from my mistakes. Just like what happened when I met Claes.
What I expected was a young teenager, but I was wrong. Very, very wrong. The man who was standing me was more than a full head taller tahn me and his body resembled a bear. His bald head, overgrown muscles, incredible size and tan made him look like a man that you really wouldn't want to get against you. I wasn't the weakest guy around, despite that I depend mostly on my speed during combat, but I wasn't like him. He looked as if he won several contests of 'strongest man of the world' or something.
I noticed Claes standing behind the giant in front of me and saw her looking just as surprised as Alex. However, in opposite of Alex, she had a small sign of just being slapped. This made something inside me snap. Injured or not, it was enough to refill me with enough energy to stand up properly and have a good talk with this bear here.
Alex's bended his back a bit and looked down on me. He was a lot taller than me, after all. A grin appeared on his face as he slowly started to move his lips and started to approach me, looking further down every time he took a step forward. "Who might ye' be, lil' man?"
After a long time of what I can remember, I felt fear coming up in my body...