If you all want 100 BETA keys then read


New Member
The site has had 250 thousand hits (Yup a lot) today and 100 thousand yesterday.

I'm looking to get adverts up to buy servers to get keys for you all.

If you can help find me companies who would like to advertise then that would be cool - All money will go into getting Beta keys.

Thanks for reading


New Member
i dont think the beta would last more then the next month or maybe in an extreme case even two...
shop is opened, items avail. till special dates, the game at least what i saw looks like gold-status and bf3 is comming this summer ^^

and its getting "hotter" outside, so they need to catch the gamers before the summer arrives.... if not it'll be august or sept as a release date... just as every big blockbuster movie or hyped game. i dont know any game released in july which hit the top sales list....