If you could fight one Person who would it be?



New Member
Gotta add to my list. The 17 or 18 year old bag boy at the food lion store close to me. He always pulls this shit where he waits until you have like 2 things left to bag up of your own shit, then comes running over, "Can I get that for you sir?"

The other day, I had a jar of pickles and two squash left to put in a bag. He runs over, "Sir, can I get those for you?"

Me: "Nah man I got it"

Him: "Are you sure sir?"

Me: "Yes, positive"

Him: "100% positive sir?"

Me: "If you ask one more fucking time I am gonna flip"

Him: "Front flip or back flip sir"

Me: "...**shock and disbelief**..."

I shake my head and just give this guy "the stare" until he goes away. If I hadn't had my kids with me I would have tried to break his fuckin neck I swear to god.


New Member
well i have put alot of thot into this question.
and its a tough call.

a side of me wants to say a younger version of myself
i would fight a younger version of me to make myself not fuck up later in life. not that i have made any MAJOR fuck ups and i hate living with regret but there are somethings that i would change that probably would have changed the course of my life.

another side of me says all the child molesters, rapeist, and pure evil scum that have walkd that are more than deserving of an ass kicking

but first and foremost the person i would kick the ass of is this one kid from high school that was always jumping my nuts bout the smallest shit. he was one of thoes people who was friendly to your face but would get on the other side of a topic just to get under your skin. i guess i got my retribution when i dated his ex- and he caught us in the "warming up" process of making out. im not one to have animosity over anyone for extended periods of time but this one i will never forgive for things that he did, weather it be processes he put in place or did himself.


New Member
I have updated my list to include this piece of shit.


I hope this guy suffers long and hard before he dies. Long and fuckin hard.