iinteresting study of mushrooms


New Member
the lady laura lye sent me this story. thought it was interesting to say the least. i know there are some anti-drug ppl about the boards. just food for thought, thats all.




New Member
Anti Drug people or not, I know from experience that hallucinogenic drugs changed me forever, for the better. I became and still am very aware of my surroundings and very in tune with the world around me. I can "sense" things sometimes if you will. I became a person who is more layed back and understands that my fate is in my hands and not to count on anyone else to provide me with anything. I learned to be a rolling stone. I haven't done a single dose of LSD or Shrooms or anything in well over 10 years, but whatever it did to my mind is still there. Would I do more? No. I had a bad trip the very last time I did LSD and it pushed me away from hallucinogens forever. It was so bad I was crying and shaking and couldn't put sentences together coherently and shit. It was fucked up for sure. But I did it for years before that with no problems at all. That one time was enough for me to never touch it again though. Scared the living dog shit out of me.

Would I recommend others try it?

I would say, it's probably not for everyone. If you can't take it mentally, then you're probably going to have a bad time with them. I knew this kid who was always trying to be cool...always trying to fit in etc. He was an oddball that lots of people didn't really like to be around just because he had a very "grating" personality. Very annoying guy. He dosed like 4 hits of some STRONG blotter one night at a party and just lost it completely. You have to have the mental capacity to handle what's going to take place in your head before you start.


New Member
Drugs are often only a channel , or a tool you can use to get to that "spiritual" or "mystical" experience.
You can get to that same state of awarenss and well beeing without any drugs.
A few friends of mine have been traveling and studying different religions, cultures and beliefs around the world. And from what I've heard, spirituality is very present in almost every culture except for christianity.
To reach a certain state of mind, they simply meditate ...
I've been tryin different forms of meditation for quite a while now and its pretty astonishing what it can do. I've been havin trips similar to acid trips or shroom trips I used to have a few years back.
Without the hallucinations and all ... :lol:

Nice to see scientists are starting to take spirituality a lil bit more seriously...
Not that I see dead people or anything :shock:


New Member
RE:  iinteresting study of mushrooms

MAx said:
spirituality is very present in almost every culture except for christianity.

I disagree, just go see the prayer session in the Vaticans.


New Member
I will not read that but I will tell you I ODed on shrooms in highschool..


I ate a 1/4 pound raw from my backyard in Texas..



New Member
i'm still here bitches, dang. don't go hatin' so soon. sheesh, like a bunch of school girls (call me, lol).

man i want to get in on the convo but it has taken a turn to religion and that means teh blz is teh out. shrooms and the botanical gardens at clemson, i will leave it at that. :p