Im back . . .


New Member
I had gotten a wow adiction for past few weeks, but eventually reality kicked in and i got bored. lvl 20-50 is mainly lvl grinding unless you want to be spending 6 months getting a lvl 60. Ive just got a lvl 52 on ce moment. Some people with lvl 60s have also told me that they thought wow was also lvl grinding based.

Personally, I think quests should give masses more XP . . . oh no, would ya look at me! im totally wow-ed up! But im one of those people that trys a game, likes it for a week then goes back to good ol' wc3!

Anyway, here I am . . . back again! I constantly change in personality especially in the last 6 months, so I might be different. Anyway, first thing im ganna do is check the story section to see if flad has made another one of hes stories. If he published a book, I'd sure buy a copy. Anyway, im back, and I have plans for making a campaign of which I have subliminaly and semiliminaly been thinking of a storyline as withdrawal simptoms from wc3.

Guess whos back? yes im back . . . back again!

lol, i like eminem hes got funny lirics!


New Member
WoW addiction. Where did I hear that before? :p

Welcome back, and don't be too surprised about your personality changing. At your age, something like that is very common and could be considerd a fact.
Thank you for the praise, but because of certain events, I haven't been able to write much. Also, how could you expect to buy a "copy of my book" if you don't know my real name. :p My real name isn't Fladian Lince, you know. :p

Anyway, welcome back.


New Member
Oh no! He's back! Everyone run!! THE END IS NEAR!!!
.... ah, who am I kidding? :p

Wut up Dawg! Good to have ya back. And I don't care what anyone says, I like WoW. Not love. "LIKE".

Have you seen the stuff about the new Alliance race?

Oh yeah, I like Eminem too. He's living proof that white people CAN rap, so hah!
Don't take that the wrong way, though. I'm not racist.


New Member
Why do you keep making a "I am back" thread once a month almost? Also why do you post it here in the site discussion? Keep it in the off topic section or the newcomers section.


New Member
I always notice it when I'm really fond on that specific person (Satanas, (Wc3C), Gambit (AR), Mery (AC), Jeroen (SCH)) and he (or she) doesn't get active for a while.