I'm considering making a campaign

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New Member
I've been thinking of making a campaign. well, I've already got 1 map of it complete. I'ts ganna have only 3 or 4 maps, be short, and just a little thing so that I can practise on it. I'm not a noob to map making, I've made 2 good maps, which I will be shortly uploading to the site.

I will probably do it solo unless someone else wants to have a little go at doing campaigns. Won't be a huge project, and will not envolve building full bases. I dont like building.


New Member
Not to be rude but this is the worst description someone has made about their project so far, why even make a topic about it yet if you dont know what you are gonna do besides you are gonna do "something" ? :)


New Member
Oh, it is by far not the worst description I've ever seen, Raging. Back at Wc3c, I was the Team Gathering moderator, and I can tell you that I've seen much worse. :p


New Member
Dwarvin squad one, in loch modan, fighting off some invading orcs. Will have some stuff like defending the dam, little stealth missions, and of course, windsurfing.

Pandarians come as standard.


New Member
That doesn't really... uh... help, you know.

I suggest that you read this thread. Even though it is partly focused on gathering a team, it does the trick neatly to how to announce a project as well.
There are a few things in it that doesn't make sense, as this thread was written officially by Wc3campaigns by me, and as you can see, it is now serving its purpose here too. Before you tell me I've stolen it, that isn't true. I still have all rights on my own threads.


New Member
Anyway, this project is on pause cause im taking a break from map making. It will be resumed in a few days.

The map ive already made will be the 1st or second map. Probably 2nd after an intro cinematic.

Current storyline ( im making it up as i go along) :

1: Ironforge is helping its allies in distant battlegrounds, and has only a small force left in its main city. A storm has grounded all gyrocoptors, and wont have lifted for an entire day. However, There apears to eb one in the sky headed towards ironforge. It crashes infront of the gate then a dwarf runs in through the entrence and all the way through to Bronzebeard. Here he says terible news: The dark iron dwarfs and the orcs have made a pact with each other to finish the ironforge dwarfs forever.

Whilst the orcs suround ironforge, the dark iron dwarfs are battling with the gaurds at loch modan! The ironforge dwarfs have little time before the dark irons prevail and destroy the dam, cutting off the ironforge industry for good.

In desperation, magni bronzebeard sends an elite group of hes best dwarfs to penetrate through the orcs and get to loch modan in time. By now, the storm is so bad that no gyrocoptors or anything that flies can take off at all. They have to set off on foot . . .

I will be suplying you with more storyline soon, but im ganna keep it secret for now. :)


New Member
I'll join the team because I got nothin better to do... but I do have my really really tough 10th grade so I will be realatively scarce....
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