Where is that from, it looks more like Jamaica than US just based on background. ALso, i dont think the guy is beating her , he just pushed her down for some doggy.
check his hands. belt in one her shirt in the other.
reguardless of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, disease, disfigerment, or otherwise noteable remarks about a person or persons we should all strive to treat eachother with resepect.
the billboard just brings to the forefront that alot of bad things happn that shouldnt for me. being a PK (preachers kid) i had alot of labels on me growing up and not all of them are an actual representation of me. not mind you im not a hellian but im def not an angel
guess what im trying to express here and its hard for me to articulate such a deep rooted level of respect i have for everyone else that my words here can not transend them.
bottem line ^^^
respect should be a priority every where. just keep that in mind
as you ho hum arrnd socially accptd words and phrases cuz weather you know it or not when u do act out or say stupid shit
eggs keeps score